I’m seriously considering moving over to FOBs. Does anyone here use them or have any personal experience?
Here’s a You Tube Video: FOBs vs. Fletchings
Here’s the website: Starrflight
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I’m seriously considering moving over to FOBs. Does anyone here use them or have any personal experience?
Here’s a You Tube Video: FOBs vs. Fletchings
Here’s the website: Starrflight
Looks like it might actually work. I am guessing, your bow would have to be “Super Tuned” at all times to use effectively. Not sure how much forgiveness, there would be in that design, compared to fletchings that bend. Let us know if you get them and how they work
big G
im not sure about those…im guessing they would give off a lot of noise once shot. Like blazers, they would have that FFFFF sound when traveling. I switched from blazers to 3″ for this year because of this exact same thing. I had a few deer react to the shot which i think is due to this exact same reason. Enough to make me switch but thats MO
I’m planning on switching to FOBs this fall. Here’s a link with a bunch of posts talking about them.
Here’s a post where Paul Morris from Starrflight comes on and answers several questions about the FOB.
I’ve got em on the way Brad. When they come in the mail I’ll let you know and you can try one if you want. I’ve got the Standards on the way to fit my Gold tips. Oh yeah you can email Paul Morris on archery talk and he drop you a line back about your set up and how they work or not.
Watch the video from YouTube that Brad posted. The FOB is supposed to fall off – so a pass through is possible.
Very neat idea. The only problem I would have with them is not being able to shoot through the netting on a blind.
Yes, they do have their drawbacks like anything else. You can’t shoot expandables through netting either. They will, however, make it it possible to shoot more accurately.
I have been using them for a little over a year. They are fine. Will pop right off on a pass through (gives you a starting point for tracking if you get a pass through). I have heard of people shooting them through netting without a problem but don’t know myself. You do NOT want to shoot groups with these as it’s pretty easy to hit other fobs that are already on the target. Nice since you can just pop them on and off. Fixed blades fly great! If you are shooting with other people you will want to get the blue or black ones with black nocks. People will be shooting your fobs and laughing all the time if you use the orange ones.
Interesting,i wonder if you keep removing them from the arrow how well they will hold,i know if you keep removing the lumalites they don’t hold as well when in the shaft and will pull out on the draw,even if they do work i’m probably to old school not to have fletching on my arrows
I haven’t noticed problems with removing them yet. I don’t remove them very often though. I have arrows for hunting/3-d/and just shooting around, but no problems so far.
Blackduck…. How do you like them so far? Are they loud in flight in comparison to blazers? I’m really interested in them and would like to know what the consensus is on them so far. Fill me in.
Great idea. They work well. Better suited for out west, IMO. Sometimes, it is hard enough to get an arrow, where I need it to go, with out having the added diameter of the FOB on back to deflect off of something. They are not forgiving at all, when they hit something on the way to the target.
If anyonew wants to try one I’d be willing to let you try mine. I have the size checker and some extras that are standard size. I’m always out at Rapids Archery Club if you want to try some out.
They are a different sound than Blazers, but not any more or less loud in my opinion.
I’ve got them and I like them alot.
They aren’t for everyone. Some people don’t like how they sit near your face when you draw, you need to have a drop away rest, they don’t fit every arrow, and some people just resist change.
I use them with the accunock and I think they are great. They stabilize very well, fly very well and are very versatile. Vanes can tear, peel off etc and you can’t fix that in the field, but I can carry a pair of FOB’s in my bag for emergencies. I’ve never shot through brush so tight I worried about if my FOB would clear something a vane wouldn’t. In fact I think the FOB has lower clearance, but is more rigid.
I say try them out. You might be surprised. IF you don’t like them, you will find someone who will buy them. Many people will even send you a couple to try just to “pass it on”.
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