AR magazine

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    Where is a good place to find the best magazines for an AR 7.62 x 39MM?

    1. AR.jpg

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 215

    Typo there. Pic is an AK (Kalashnikov) variant, not an AR.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    it’s Chinese would that still classify it as a AK?

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 215

    Actually the Chinese manufactured ones are an AK variant-usually Type 56. They all originated from Russian Kalashnikov. AR refers to ArmaLite Rifle-for instance the AR-15. I don’t have an AK but have been shot at a lot from the Chinese version. Glad that is over with!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    Luckydave – Thank you and thank you for your service.

    G- Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for. Just placed an order.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    …but have been shot at a lot from the Chinese version.


    Thank you for your service, Dave!

    Posts: 38

    Greetings again eelpoutguy,

    Ah…no, not hardly.
    In fact most folks I know who own the “black rifle” get offended when other guns get confused with the AR. In my experience the AK without some important modifications is far inferior to AR. If you watch slow motion video of the AK, you will see how much the barrel vibrates when fired, compared to the AR. Stamped guns are often inferior. I have posted a photo of both the AK, and AR.
    I prefer the AR with regards to most all performance parameters.

    1. download.jpg

    Johnie Birkel
    South metro
    Posts: 291

    I would stick to the metal mags imo.
    For the comments, Clearly not comparable rifles in most situations, but under 100 yds the cheap stamped ones seem to be just fine and are a ton of fun. A huge bonus is that I don’t think you could jam a varient if you put the shell in backwards with scoop of sand! I also understand that most of the 7.63 are comming from the Eastern block and manufacturer pre the 5.56.
    I haven’t paid attention for a few years, but are then ARs down in price to be equal to the low end import cut up and put back together rifles? At one point an AR was about 3x different.

    Posts: 38

    Rgr that Johnie,

    Understood on reliability.
    Reduced costs for building the AR are considerable, making it possible for me to upgrade the barrel and such. I carried two guns during my adventures in Alaska. A hand gun and large caliber bolt rifle. My AR will cover both and eliminate the need for the hand gun. Weight remains a big issue when flying in AK bush aircraft. I will carry my AR, or my later variations of the AR and feel quite safe, even in Alaska bear country. I have fired low and high end AK, and can easily understand the attraction. I just did not want the poor guy to be confused on the differences between the AK and AR.


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