Apple tree question

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16880

    I know I asked this before but I didn’t keep the responses and don’t remember.
    My apple tree’s are starting to bloom. When and what do you spray yours with? Do you use a Hudson sprayer and just spray as far as you can reach? Do you climb a ladder to reach higher?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I spray with Bonide Fruit Tree Spray. First spray could have been at budding and then again shortly after blossom drop. The don’t recommend spraying while in the bloom and I’ve always assumed it was to avoid killing the bees. I use a pump sprayer. Try to get both under and over the branches. I use a ladder on the taller trees.

    Once the trees have set fruit, you can use some common insecticides throughout the summer to control codling moths and worms.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    I have 3 apple trees in my yard and they only bloom every other year. Any reason why?

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I use a hudson sprayer and Sevin for the chemical. I never spray during the bloom, always after. I don’t use a ladder, just as high as I can spray. What are you spraying for? Bugs, worms, disease? I don’t eat most of the apples off my trees so I am only spraying to keep the Japanese beetles from hurting the tree.

    Many varieties of apple trees have bumper crops then little or none every other year. Do you know what variety of trees they are? My crabs are gang busters every year, but the Haroldson apples I have only produce every other year.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1485

    Don’t spray when it’s in bloom! You’ll kill the bees and whatever other insects are doing the pollination.
    a lot of Apple trees run in an every other year cycle so that’s normal.
    Some produce every year but maybe not as much 1 year.
    I use a Hudson sprayer and can spray about 20 feet up…altho I get some spray back on me…probably going to regret that someday.
    I use the Bonide brand too.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I don’t spray my trees at all. I put a band of Vaseline around the trunk and net them after they bloom and call it good. If you remove the blemished and bruised apples it helps to keep a lot of the critters away. I generally get good apples and no chemicals.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I have 3 apple trees in my yard and they only bloom every other year. Any reason why?

    What varieties? I only ask because some varieties are notorious for this. It is in their DNA to do so.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    We moved into a new house a year and half ago that has 2 mature apple trees. In the fall of 2016 we got an insane amount of apples off of the 2 trees. Since then, I have read that you need to pull off about half the apples in June or else you get a lot one year and little to none the next. I am hoping that we get apples this year, but my gut is telling me we will not.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    We moved into a new house a year and half ago that has 2 mature apple trees. In the fall of 2016 we got an insane amount of apples off of the 2 trees. Since then, I have read that you need to pull off about half the apples in June or else you get a lot one year and little to none the next. I am hoping that we get apples this year, but my gut is telling me we will not.

    Apples blossoms (the future apples after pollination…) come in clusters of 5. In June the apple tree naturally aborts some of those apples (it is called ‘June Drop’…) so that the other apples will get the aborted apples energies thus be larger and more healthy. We as humans can help with June Drop by taking down the clusters that are left from say 4 or 5 apples down to 2 or 3 (This can be done in July by hand pulling off the tiny apples…). Thus what you end up with is Apples that get more of the tree’s energies and can grow larger otherwise some varieties (Honeycrisp especially) can grow quite small…

    SE MN
    Posts: 1485

    I don’t spray my trees at all. I put a band of Vaseline around the trunk and net them after they bloom and call it good.

    yellowdog – You net them? Meaning you throw a net over the whole tree? If the netting is too small, which you need small to keep bugs out, how does it get light. Guess I’m not following the net part.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>yellowdog wrote:</div>
    I don’t spray my trees at all. I put a band of Vaseline around the trunk and net them after they bloom and call it good.

    yellowdog – You net them? Meaning you throw a net over the whole tree? If the netting is too small, which you need small to keep bugs out, how does it get light. Guess I’m not following the net part.

    Yes I cover the whole tree with bird netting. It doesn’t keep out the bugs but it keeps birds from damaging the apples which in turn attracts fewer bugs. If you do get a major infestation spraying with a mild soap solution usually does the trick.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Dutch, if you didn’t spray any dormant spray, you may see some disease coming out in Spring in the form of powdery mildew disease. The leaves will look curled and coated in flour. Get a fungicide at the nursery and start treating every 7 days.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16880

    I have never sprayed. I usually round up the apples in the fall and feed the Deer herd in the backyard. They seem to like that…..and the fact I don’t shoot them. grin

    I asked about spraying because I would like some to eat and they usually have blemishes and holes. Haven’t noticed they were wormie.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    the apples are red! that’s what I know about them. they were here when I bought the house. I know I get a crap ton of apples every year and the deer camp out in my yard eating them in the fall.

    Hayley Mcinerney
    Posts: 1

    Hi! We just bought a house in Royalston Ma with a few apple trees. They have a lot of problems and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong with them and would really appreciate some help! I know that we have a caterpillar issue but the tree is also bare in some spots with damaged tree limbs that look dead. The leaves are brown/yellow and have holes and most of the apples have fallen off the tree already and the ones that are still there are warped or eaten by something. Please help!!! We would love to have some actual apples next year!

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    Posts: 313

    Looks like apple scab. Prune out dead looking stuff and prune out a few of the other branches in late winter to early spring. Then spray with fruit tree spray next year. Start spraying right after bloom when all the flower pedals have fallen. DON’T spray during bloom or you will the pollinators. Spray every 14 days until August. You should be able to find fruit tree spray at farm & garden store or order online. I think bonide makes it.

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