Apple Pie – the perfect winter drink

  • Deleted
    Posts: 959

    This is a family recipe that is worth sharing.

    1 gallon apple cider (from any orchard or use Lewisburg Cider from Hy-Vee)

    1 gallon Apple Juice

    1 liter Everclear (190 proof)

    6 cinnamon sticks

    1 cup of sugar

    Combine everything EXCEPT for the everclear and simmer for 45 minutes – DO NOT BOIL-

    Cool for 2 hrs

    Add Everclear after cool and then put into bottles.

    Makes 7-8 liters.

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    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    Thanks for the reminder, I did a stint as a garbage man in my twentys. I was given a bottle of this around Christmas time as a gift from a customer , I swear it was the best alcohol I’ve ever had. I’ve always wanted to search down the person that gave it too me and get there recipe. I’ll be giving this a try.

    Posts: 1507

    Just wondering how long will it last in the bottles? or does it stay indefinitely

    Posts: 959

    I can’t say for certain on shelf life but there is a lot of everclear in there so I’d guess quite a while. I usually got a jug as a gift around thanksgiving and would usually hold it til February or March before I cracked it open and it’s been fine. This year I got the recipe so I can make more. It’s a great garage sip here and there when I have someone stop over for a few beers. I would think it would last a while. I usually keep it in the fridge but this year I just keep it in the window sill of the heated garage and it’s been fine.

    I gave this recipe to a neighbor recently and he made a batch, said it turned out great. I have yet to make a batch myself but soon, very soon. I’ll try to get a jug to my garbage man too, great idea!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I had a gallon of the Everclear apple pie in a closet for three years and it was as good as gold when we remembered it.

    Remember vanilla cokes as a kid? Pour a can in a glass with ice and add a shot of my home-made vanilla made with 190 proof vanilla. Even cold it will warm you up.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I can’t say for certain on shelf life but there is a lot of everclear in there so I’d guess quite a while.

    My recipe is pretty much the same, and I keep it in the pantry. I drank one this fall that was 2 years old. No problem.

    FWIW, this recipe clocks in at about 10-11% alcohol.

    Posts: 407

    Here is a good recipe for peach pie. Same concept. Slightly different flavor. I keep mine in the basement fridge and I think it would last forever.

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    Posts: 425

    Both recipes sound great. I’m going to give them a go.

    Posts: 5321

    Anyone got a recipe that is stronger? Just add more booze?

    Want to give this a go this winter, but 10% isn’t up to my standards grin

    Posts: 407

    Mr. Beads – yes, just add more booze. To me that is where letting it sit for about a month before drinking it comes in. Let’s the booze combine with the juice better and makes the drink a lot “smoother”.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Anyone got a recipe that is stronger? Just add more booze?

    I’d just cut down on the cider and juice.

    It’s your perogative, but I will usually a warm mug or two (maybe three), and I’ve never found myself thinking, “I wish this was boozier.” rotflol I guess if you were going to do shots of it or something…

    Posts: 5321

    I guess if you were going to do shots of it or something…

    We call em “bumps” or “nips”. But yeah, trying to cut the sugar out so more potency and less sugar water is a good thing for me.

    Thanks waytogo

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I guess you have to keep up that svelte physique somehow.

    Posts: 959

    I can’t say I’ve heard anyone say they wish it had more snot! Plenty warm and strong!

    Posts: 1811

    Apple Pie.. is just not good.. bottle gets empty way two fast, end of story.

    Posts: 959

    Apple Pie.. is just not good.. bottle gets empty way two fast, end of story.

    I concur –

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    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Billy and I love to make apple pie and we made about 16 gallons just in mid-October. His latest recipe was for a carmel apple pie and it’s been a big hit so far! I really love a warmed mug full when I get cold and it’s shaping up to be a cold MN winter.

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    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    By the way, Thomas, I love the sign on the wall! waytogo rotflol

    Posts: 425

    Do you have a recipe for that Sharon?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    You bet!

    Billy’s Carmel Apple Pie Drink

    2 gallons good quality apple cider
    3 bottles Simply Apple apple juice
    4 cups white sugar
    2 cups brown sugar
    12 cinnamon sticks
    1.75 liter Everclear 191 proof
    1 liter Vanilla Vodka
    0.75 liter Toasted Carmel Whiskey

    Boil all but the boozes until cinnamon sticks unfold
    Cool to 120 degrees
    Mix in Everclear and other booze
    Bottle in glass jars
    And enjoy!

    Posts: 425

    At 120 degrees do the jars seal themselves without a hot water bath? No refrigeration needed?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Yep, the jars seal themselves and we don’t refrigerate until we open a jar. Seems to work okay for us so far, but I’m definitely not the expert.

    Posts: 425

    Would have to say if you make and drink it and haven’t been ill from it you are definitely the

    Posts: 959

    Thanks Gerty & Sharon for sharing your recipes. I’ll definitely give them a try too. Never understood why folks won’t share their recipes. When I’ve got a good one, I want everyone to have it.

    Posts: 1285

    Thanks Gerty & Sharon for sharing your recipes. I’ll definitely give them a try too. Never understood why folks won’t share their recipes. When I’ve got a good one, I want everyone to have it.


    I always felt it was a great compliment to be asked for a recipe. Giving out a good one spreads the joy, and doesn’t mean I still can’t make it whenever I want.

    Posts: 425

    Is it not the greatest compliment you can give to try a recipe and enjoy the results enough to pass it on?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Sharons tip on cooling to 120 degrees is very important. Alcohol evaporates at about 170 degrees, much cooler than water. Too many people ad their booze too early when it’s too hot.

    I prefer less juice. 1 gallon of cider to less than 1/2 gallon of juice, and use brown sugar

    Now I’m craving some cherry pie…

    Posts: 425

    Are you just going to tease us Randy or do you have a recipe for cherry pie?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    1 gallon cherry cider
    1/2 gallon dark cherry juice

    1 quart tart baking cherries blended very fine
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    Simmer for a hour stirring often. If you prefer, strain to remove cherry pulp.

    Allow to cool to below 140 degrees or else alcohol will evaporate. Add Everclear to taste. Bottle up and let it stand for for a few days

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    We just went through a bottle of cherry bounce at the holiday get together. Like the apple pie you have to be careful how much you have, it just tastes so good. We have a big glass jar with lid, get some good tart cherries, pit them, put cherries and good vodka in the jar. About 1 time a month stir/turn the jar over, do this for a few months and done. I take out cherries and drink, in ice, cold, warm, whatever you like.

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