Yes, have even tried to run it without the air filter just to see if somehow the new filter was the issue. No luck.
There is spark and the plug looks fine on the plug checker, but I agree that’s another thing to try as a last ditch before tearing off the carb.
It’s a fully adjustable carb so I’ve pulled out the needles to make sure there’s nothing on the tips and then reset the H and and L adjustments several times. It “runs” fine when I start it and it revs up fine, but the return to idle makes the machine die. No amount of messing with the carb after it dies will make it restart until it sits for an hour.
It will not restart after it dies. Not on WOT, not at idle, not anywhere in between, choke, no choke, etc. It seems to be badly flooded.
One of the things that’s got me thinking bad carb is that the L adjustment seems to have the machine running best when it’s almost completely shut. Like open 1/4 turn. Never in my life have I seen a 2 stroke that runs when set up like that, but that seems to be the spot where it spools up through the low range without bogging or stalling.
I’ve never had a small machine that required this much messing with and it’s never been a good runner. When I got the machine, the carb went bad the second time I used it and the machine would not run at all. Dealer of course blamed me but then had to do the walk of shame after he was unable to start the machine himself. That time the carb had some kind of crack internally and I had to wait 2 weeks for a new carb to be installed. But that time the machine was stone dead, this time it runs but only as stated.
I’ll have to tear into it after deer season and see if I can get this figured out. Thanks for the replies 311.