If you are looking to rent, without the hassle’s of being a landlord, my advice is don’t rent, sell now while the market is good.
I tried using Renter’s Warehouse once and I found tenants on my own before they did. Additionally, their business model, imo, is pretty expensive especially in comparison to their competition. It was a few years ago when I checked with them, but the cost was one month rent up front + a percentage moving forward. There are a ton of companies that offer similar services to RW, so I would do some shopping. Also, you can likely talk to a local Professional Landlord (any Real Estate agents should have a connection), and setup a similar system at a lower cost. Or just make a deal with a local handyman, to fix minor issues and visit when the rent is late. And if you do decide to rent remember that the house will never be as nice as the day you move out. No renter is going to do the projects you do currently, and you now have 2x the risk of incurring significant expenses furnace/ac/water heater/dishwasher/Insurance deductible etc. I’ve been a part time landlord for about 10 years, and if you can’t tell it is the worst, lowest paying job I’ve ever had. But it could help make a few extra thousand dollars and an unknown point in the future!!!