Anyone Trappers Around?

  • Pailofperch
    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3208

    Looking for any central MN trappers who would give any advice to a total newby. I’d love to do a little hobby trapping. I’ve watched a lot of videos, do a lot of hunting, but never trapped. If someone around could show me the ropes and help boil and treat some traps, I’d really appreciate it. I’d mainly like to remove some coyotes and make some coon hats with my boys. If someone could help out, I could offer beaver trapping at our place. I’d estimate we have around a dozen or so. Thanks alot guys.

    Johnie Birkel
    South metro
    Posts: 291

    Feel free to PM and we can chat more in-depth but here is what I know. When I was younger we did a fair amount of coon trapping and I loved it. We never boiled or treated anything and would just set them how ever we had them some time painted the year before. With that said we never caught the foxes or yotes but I was always told that was a next level thing. My uncle would describe what he did and it was a far more detail oriented set with a tarp to kneel on and treating dirt. If it was me I would start for coons and you will get enough action to lessen the curve yourself. If you have water you will find it super easy. My go to if no one is stealing your traps is I would basically pound in a 2 inch PVC pipe with or without some bait and set the trap in the water. No stake with a drag of local logs and stuff and a swivel also help a ton as that took me a few years to learn! Those suckers can pull their foot from anything it seems. I’m sure someone who is better at this can help you more, but that alone will keep the boys busy all fall and they will have their own strategy by ice up.
    As for the beaver if you have an few 330s you will find it also easy. It was basically a game of funneling them to you trap in tha water. I was never good enough to get them in the foot holds.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’m in wi, but you can contact me for any help. 40+ years experience

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