Anyone Still out there?

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5941

    Great time to scout for ice time-if we had ice this forum would be full of comments and questions-get out there find something away from the community spots, you might even bump into a Walter. This weekend I have to visit the in-laws so you have the ‘power play’ good luck.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5941

    Is everyone shooting furries? Or did you put away the boat because you were trying to get threw your fall to do list? Too cold today?

    Posts: 12233

    Still out. Will be until I can’t.

    Posts: 5286

    Perch were biting good yesterday. Transition at the breaks of humps. Used fatheads to only get after the big ones. Surprised me not a lake I’ve seen alot of good ones out of.

    jon wheeler
    Posts: 4

    We opted to skip the woods and fish Leech on deer opener this past Saturday. Ours was the only boat in view most of the day (saw one fellow launching as we were pulling off). Thin pickings enough that this CO dropped out of the sky and paid us a visit. A little unnerving at first, as we had no idea why this plane had us lined up like he was taking us out.

    Got tethered and went through the motions, then BS’ed for awhile. Given my background (retired now) and his 30-years, we had a lot of mutual acquaintances. He shared some good stories unique to his enforcement activities from the air.

    First CO contact in years. (And fishing was slooooow.)

    1. Leech-Lake-21-164-scaled.jpg

    2. Leech-Lake-21-163-scaled.jpg

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5941

    Will drag my rig threw the snow tomorrow, no prob. Will search what a 100 holes would cover in less than a hour.

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