Anyone ice fish lake Erie?

  • Phil Pickering
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 20

    Hey guys, I’m hoping to get down to lake Erie in a few weeks (weather permitting) but I’m struggling to find any information on how to find walleye spots on the lake. Is there anyone here who has had success fishing Erie and could help me out with what to look for on a contour map or any other tips on what to look for or where to start? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


    Posts: 45

    From what I have read, ice fishing on Erie I’d pretty much done. The ice I’d supposed to be deteriorating quickly.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I dont have a ice report. I had a busted trip and had to come home.

    Anyways, for that time period, concentrate on the south west cluster of reefs.

    Phil Pickering
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 20

    Hey Randy, thanks for the post. Have you found that the walleye follow traditional walleye contours on the reefs, ie humps or slopes, or should I focus on the flats just off the reefs? Thanks

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