Anyone Having Luck On The Wapsi?

  • Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1824

    Been fishing the dam at Anamosa and Central City. Also cruised up to Olin and fished by the old bridge by the boat ramp. Nothing really to mention, one little walleye and a bunch of buffalo. Been using 1/8th-1/4th ounce jigs and every kinda plastic known to man. Caught the little walleye on a catalpa orange ringworm. Other then that, not much going on. Anyone with some success or tips, please let me know. Thanks!

    Posts: 6

    I did really well end of October/early November on both cranks and plastics. River has been up and dirtier the last few weeks and slowed it way down for me. Fishing between central city and anamosa

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