Nice Job buddy! I got out saturday morning for a couple hours but had to call it early as it was getting pretty snotty out there and was supposed to get worse. Found myself in 130 and having a heck of a time trying to turn back into em, so pulled to plug before we ended up spending the day in Michigan….
Anyways, we got 4 in two hours. Couple mature\ dark kings like you had. Once nice silver three year old. And the obligatory laker. One spoon bite for us on a 7 color right away, and the last three were all FF bites. Rigger, dipsy, lead and copper all took a fish, so draw what you want from that.
Craziest thing to me is how quickly the conditions flipped this year. We had nothing but cold water all year, then we get one week of bad winds and everythings bath water out ten miles. Just crazy. Anyways, unfortunately, like you saw as well, silver four year olds won’t be around for much longer. It’s getting to be mid- August and the fish are starting to push in, cold water be darned.
From now on, it’s fish for stagers, spawners or go out deep for little fish. Sad to see a short summer coming to an end so quickly….