Wind and bright sun are the worse combinations when it comes to holding boat postion and searching areas. The weather forecast, as usual, was totally wrong: mostly cloudy and wind less than 10 mph. In fact there was a bright hot sun and wind gusted to 20mph, averaging 15 mph. The pads held fish, but inaccurate casting because of the wind, made it impossible for casting accuracy due to wind blown line bow. Not good when casting 1/32 and 1/24 oz jigs.
The only thing that saved the day was hitting fish in 3 FOW one shaded cove – sunnies galore! Plus my partner landed a 3 lb LM. in the pads. 30 fish was not a good day but at least the sunnies slammed our lures and gave a nice fight along with crappie, yellow perch and bass that I caught in shallow water.
To bad the boat’s going into the shop tomorrow or I’d be fishing in the cool rain under a cloudy sky with little wind.
