Anyone been out trapping yet?

  • Aaron Kalberer
    Posts: 373

    I put out some muskrat sets on Saturday, some success and aren’t looking too shabby. I was definitely rusty with the skinning knife. grabbing the 330s and 220s and bringing them up to deer camp. We have a lot of beaver and otter up our way and hoping to get into a few.

    How has everyone else been doing, and what are your plans for the upcoming season?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I just do some Adc work anymore. With fur prices so low, I dont have time unless im paid

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    With NAFA going bankrupt what do you do with the furs ? Is fur harvesters still buying. I heard nafa will have no auctions in the near future.

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    Thanks for the tip Randy.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11039

    Oh, Thanks for reminding me.
    I need to order a pair of skunk mittens, gauntlet style for ice fishing.
    Wildthings Fur Co. out of La Farge WI is where I will go.

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