Anybody running a Starweld?

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    I saw the Starwelds at the Sportsman’s show and I seriously liked the layout of the 1700 and 1800. Build quality, fit, and finish seemed good for freshwater midwest boat. Like the idea of welded hull. My old Crestliner sportfish was dry as a bone even after she was 15 years old.

    I’m a little concerned about them being a relatively new brand. Not a lot of feedback out there one way or the other and most of the posts I’ve seen on other forums are new buyers so question being have any potential flaws shown up yet?

    Anybody running one? Anybody else considering one?

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Buy Lund. I’ll give you three guesses at how much Lund wants for a similar boat. Hint: It’s more. Surprise.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    They have been around since the 50’s from what i can tell, the previous name was Monark. Seark bought them, kept the commercial side and sold Monark to starcraft who renamed it starweld.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    I don’t own one, but they were on my short list when I bought my current boat. These boats have a following on Lake Erie (the Starcraft brand as a whole). The starcrafts I’ve been in have been surprisingly fast hulls (not bass boat fast, but did very well for a deep aluminum boat), that handle water very well. I seriously considered driving to Appleton, WI to get one, but ultimately decided that I didn’t want a 3 hour drive back there for anything with the actual boat.

    I thought the fit and finish was decent, about on par with other mid range aluminum boats, and the hull weight was good. The 1800 is 1165lbs, which is on the light end for a 17.5′ boat, but it still seemed to cut the 1-2′ waves we were on without any issue. If I were seriously looking at them, I’d bypass the 1700 though, with only a 115 rating, I think the 1800 with a 150 would be a slick setup. Going to the 1800, you gain a foot of length for less than 100lbs of weight, and can add 35 hp.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    Interesting info, thanks guys.

    The pricepoint on the 1700 and 1800 is really attractive and I really liked the seating layout. I want to be able to comfortably seat 6 reasonable sized adults behind the windshield, even if it involves 2 of them using the jump seats. I like Starweld’s bench seat.

    I felt like the build quality was at least as good as the usual other suspects and without thousands tacked on for the name. I don’t care about theoretical resale values because by the time I’m ready to sell this boat there’s no way having a Brand X would get me enough more to cover a case of beer.

    I’ll have to do the numbers on the power to weight ratios if I get serious. I think I want a 4 stroke, but haven’t totally ruled out the new Evinrude Gen2. The 150 4 strokes are just so freaking heavy that my concern would be that it cold nullify the HP grain by adding so much more weight? I’ll have to do the numbers later on.

    Really like the looks of these boats.


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17385

    I’m pretty sure Miller Marine in St. Cloud sells them. They will have a real good price on them.

    Posts: 7348

    StarCrafts were neck and neck when I was looking for boats for same reasons stated. Big water dudes really like em bc of the steeper deadrise really splitting them waves up without beating that hull to bits.

    Good luck with your search, not sure if the StarCraft is comparable.

    Posts: 1892

    Grouse check the weights of the g2 and Merc 4 stroke. You might be surprised which is lighter.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    My brother ownes a starweld, he lives in WA and are a bigger brand out there from what I understand. I know He likes his but I have not been in it yet so I don’t have much for details. He mostly fished the Columbia with it but has since moved to the Seattle area and has gone out on some bigger water with it a few times with no issues. Also, my parents neighbor has a fairly new StarCraft and that is damn nice boat. Haven’t fished out of one but looks nice and layout is good. As other have said, price is quite a bit more reasonable compared to other brands.

    Frank Slover
    Posts: 4

    I know your question is a few months old but I just saw it and had to weigh in.
    I bought a 2015 Starweld 1800 Pro in the winter of 2016. It was a leftover package deal from a local dealer. It has Yamaha 115 for the main motor and a Yamaha 9.9 kicker. Here’s a little on my experience with it.

    I love the floorplan and the jump seats in the back. They stay home when I’m fishing but I use them when when I take the kids out with the tow behind tubes and stuff. The boat The motors are great. They start on the first turn of the key every time, but you should expect that of brand new motors. The windshield is higher than many others I looked at which is great for keeping dry when under way. Overall I like the boat but I’m having one issue and getting no help from Starcraft, who is the actual manufacturer.

    The boat sits level when at rest but lists to Port when underway. This happens even with significant extra weight added to the Starboard side. Starcraft had the dealer add fixed tabs to the transom. They are kind of like trim tabs but they do not adjust up and down. They sit at a right angle to the transom. This did not fix the problem.

    I do like a lot of things about the boat and I’m sure at some I’ll figure out the problem, probably by adding adjustable trim tabs. But I am VERY DISAPPOINTED in Starweld / Starcraft themselves. Their customer service is non-existent.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    Appreciate the reply, Frank. I saw the boats at the sportsman show back in March and I’d never seen that brand up close before. Like you, I liked the layout.

    Too bad it ends with yet another manufacturer/dealer letdown story. But that’s why I’m 90% sure I’m not going to go new. Just too many letdowns these days with bad boat quality and terrible dealer service. It’s not worth the risk, IMO. May as well buy used and deal with issues on my own as that’s no different from buying new now days.

    Seems like if you want a $200 oil change, the dealers are all over that, but delivering a new boat, rigged and on time, and then staying engaged with after sale issues until they are SOLVED is the major fail point these days.

    Appreciate the report though.


    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    Hey guys, I’m a new Starweld 16 DC owner. I LOVE the boat (layout, amenities, comfort, PERFECT for my family) but I’m having the same issue. With me and one other adult in the boat (he outweighed me by 50lbs) the port listing at speed is quite intimidating. The captain that was with me told me to fire up the bilge pump it was listing so hard. Unfortunately, the batteries are both on the port side of the boat but it sits level when at lower speeds so I think it’s prop torque.

    I’ll be calling my dealer on Monday to talk to them about it but wanted to see if you guys were ever given some type of resolution.

    Frank Slover
    Posts: 4

    Hi J Guard
    I still havent resolved the problem. I plan to add adjustable trim tabs at some point this year. Im still trying ti find ones that wont interfere with the kicker motor.
    Dont let them add the non-adjustable tabs they put on mine. They only take up space and add holes to your hull, they dont help the problem at all.
    I would suggest calling Andy in Smokercraft customer service, not that he helped but if enough of us bitch about the problem maybe theyll do something.
    I reached him at 574.831.2103 ext 287.
    Hope you have better luck with them than I did. Let me know how you make out.

    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    I was thinking the same thing on the trim tabs. If I get a setback mounting bracket for the kicker, I think it will fit. Spend $100 to push the kicker back 10″ so I can spend money on trim tabs…

    FYI – I called today but they’re closed for the 4th. I’ll try again. Thanks!

    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    I took mine out again for a nice long run with a lighter passenger and the boat ran great! For me, the issue is one of new boat owner meets a boat that has 100lbs of batteries on the port side and a narrow beam. When my 130lb (instead of my 200lb) passenger leaned over to the gunwale, the boat listed, when he leaned straight back in the chair, it righted (mostly) and when he leaned in the center, the boat was true.

    I really love this boat and I’m crushed that you didn’t have a better experience with it. Wish I could help but my issue really is one of playing “could you lean over a bit”. If I had my way, it would have been nice to move the batteries closer to the center or all the way aft with the trolling battery (for balance) but the rest of the boat is great enough that I’ll figure it out as I go and just have fun.

    Truly, best of luck getting your issue resolved and I wish you the best. Thanks for replying to me earlier.

    frank del
    Posts: 1

    I have owned a 2014 Starweld 1800 for 3 years now. The boat came with a 115 Yamaha 4 stroke. I am very satisfied with the motor and mostly satisfied with the boat. I have not experienced the listing problem in the previous posts. I have the starting battery on the rear port side and 2 marine batteries on either side of center in the bow. I use it for fishing mostly and have been in rough water on the Delaware river and bay which it handles no problem. My one issue is with the hinges for the gunwale storage compartments, each side. The hinge mounting screws are about 3/8″ long and don’t seem to grab far enough in. I’ve had 1 on each side come loose and had to drill new holes and add longer screws to remount.
    I agree about the lack of customer service from the parent company. It seems they prefer to be hands off and have everything go through the dealer. I will contact the person and # listed above to see if they have a remedy for my hinge problem.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    FWIW this thread has been basically a copy of the issues discussed on other forums about Starweld. Ride and build quality issues and lackadaisical dealer/factory support and coordination. The dealers especially seem very un-motivated to aggressively deal with problems.

    Another case of boats looking good on the showroom floor, but I’m glad I asked. Starweld is on my “avoid” list until strong evidence that they have fixed both their customer service and build quality.

    Not that they’re that far behind some other brands out there. As another poster pointed out, on average the aluminium boat industry is currently at where the American auto industry was in 1980. Slapdash quality, antiquated processes, crappy build quality, and “let the dealer sort it out” is thier method of quality control.


    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    FYI, I checked the gunwale storage compartments on my new 16 dc ski and the doors are through bolted.

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    These posts are a year old. I’m hoping someone has found a resolution to the Starweld listing issue. I wish I’d read this forum before taking the plunge. I recently bought a Starweld 18pro with a 150 Yamaha 4 stroke. Under any power it leans slightly port side. However at 3/4 to full throttle in leans hard port side. It seems like a torque issue. As you throttle down it tips on its side simultaneously? AS far as weight distro with me driving it by all means should lean the other way? Any of you previously discussing this problem find a fix? Mine is back at the dealer again they seem perplexed as well. ALso. As it leans port side it also starts to porpoise. Its actually pretty scary. You have to shut it down to come out of it. The dealer has already shimmed the engine due to porpoise issue at all speeds. That helped at lower speeds but don’t dare open it up.

    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    I’ve been running my boat for a year now and I still love it. With over 30 trips out to the Potomac and local reservoirs I can say that it has really been a great boat.

    Have you tried to message Frank Slover? Would be nice to get a public update on how his boat is doing.

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    I just messaged Frank Slover. Hopefully he found an easy solution. My boat is back with the dealer now. They are going to take it out and see what it’s doing. I feel like they might think I’m exaggerating.

    fat trout
    Posts: 3

    Found this and see that its old but figured I’d reply if it helps. I have an 18 Pro and like it a lot. I run lake Ontario. I don’t have a listing problem that’s out of the norm. If I have two guys on one side or strange weight distribution sure a little. But running with 1 2 or 3 guys. No problem. I have a 115 yamaha I have 2 batteries up front. I replaced the starter battery on the port side rear with a group 29 sized battery. On the starboard side rear I put a second battery group 27 sized and wired to a perko switch as a backup. It helps balance things. I run bow trimmed down mostly if any chop or waves. I’ll trim up only if flat calm. Tends to porpoise more in chop trimmed up. Trimmed down I don’t feel like I plow at all. Trimmed up I don’t see a lot of benefit. Perhaps 1-2 MPH if flat calm and trimmed up a little. I use to list to port some (but not scary) with a passenger on the port side. But that went away after I added the group 27 battery that I added on the starboard side. This boat would not deal well with a kicker motor on the port side and also the battery on the port side. You would have to have a single battery (moved to starboard side), no battery on port in order to have the kicker on the port side. With my configuration I can do up to 42 to 43 mph flat out fully calm and trimmed up a little. Fully stable and centered with me only and /or passenger on port side. 3rd passenger would be best if leaning toward center although I rarely have 3 people out. That battery on the starboard side really helped….plus its backup power so win win for me.

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    Thanks for the response. I’m convinced my 18 Pro has too much engine. It came with the 150 Yamaha 4 stroke. I left it with the dealer the whole month of June. They stopped making excuses after they ran it. They installed manual trim tabs which seem to have cured the porpoise problem but I’m still listing port side. It sits level in the water not under power. My pilot son in law thinks it’s prop torque. The dealer shifted all the weight possible starboard but it still lists under power. I’m considering a different prop. Maybe a 4 blade? I’m running a “solas” stainless 3 blade 14″ 19 pitch now. It really sucks having a new boat you’re not in love with. My dealer is two hours away so I’m fed up hauling it back and forth.

    fat trout
    Posts: 3

    I tend to agree with you but not with actual facts, only that it makes sense seeing what I’ve seent with my 115. I only wanted a 90 (originally) but the boat was packaged with the 115 and it would have actually cost more for the 90 so I went with the 115. Its a lot of engine…every bit of what I’d need and I don’t feel like I’d need more. I don’t tend to run fast. For me 30 is fast enough and I can easily cruise with that at just over 4K on RPMs. I’ve pushed it right to 6K with no ill effects on handling (calm conditions) but thats just extra fuel burn so I usually don’t bother. The 150 is also heavier and may tend to ride your bow higher adding to instability. I’m assuming you already have 2 batteries up front. Adding another 50 lbs up there might be worth a try.

    Let me also add another dumb follow up “suggestion”. They installed manual trim tabs. Have you thought about pulling the starboard trim tab? If your listing port the starboard tab is helping cause that while at the same time the port tab could still dampen the porposing (as could the added bow weight). Dumb as it sounds perhaps that might help counter the torque and let you use the power more balanced. I don’t have manual tabs but I would wonder if you could temporarily disconnect the starboard tab and duct tape it in place or something stupid like that for a test (without unscrewing it from the transom). It would be a little silly (one tab) but if it works who cares.

    Side note. I’m fishing lake ontario so I’m running a fish hawk unit. The transducer on that is huge and is on my port side way out by the edge. Its 3x the size of my Lowrance transducer which is starbord side but the lowrance one is closer to the motor. That fish hawk transducer throws a LOT of spray. I’m wondering if its providing me a bit of the effect I’m suggesting to you (ie tab on the port but not on the starboard). I could be fully of crap but there are some added thoughts for you.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    This sounds silly, but is the motor mounted level with the boat? That question has no backing to it. So I guess my other question is, would the motor being Angeled one way or the other affect the ride?

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    We’ve measured and checked. It seems to be mounted square. I haven’t lasered it or anything.

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    That’s a good idea. I think I’ll mess with the adjustment. I’m thinking as high as the tabs will go starboard and as low as they will go port. They are even now.

    Frank Slover
    Posts: 4

    Hi Guys,
    Just reading your recent posts. I still haven’t done anything to correct the leaning problem I’m having, which started this whole thread. I’ve been looking at Lenco Limited Space Trim Tabs. I think they will fit with the kicker motor but I’m not sure so I continue to hesitate and live with the problem. More recently I did a little reading up on props and was thinking about prop torque as Dan mentioned. I have the Yamaha 115 and it’s plenty fast enough. I can’t imagine a 150 on a boat that size and weight. My current prop is a 19 pitch. I was thinking about trying a 15 or 17 pitch to see if that helps. Someone mentioned moving the rear battery. That is an option I thought of but I didn’t think the weight of one battery could make that big of a difference.
    Dan – I’ve been dealing with Towne Marine in Bloomsburg PA. Are you in PA? May I ask what dealer you went through?

    fat trout
    Posts: 3

    Hi Guys,
    Just reading your recent posts. I still haven’t done anything to correct the leaning problem I’m having, which started this whole thread. I’ve been looking at Lenco Limited Space Trim Tabs. I think they will fit with the kicker motor but I’m not sure so I continue to hesitate and live with the problem. More recently I did a little reading up on props and was thinking about prop torque as Dan mentioned. I have the Yamaha 115 and it’s plenty fast enough. I can’t imagine a 150 on a boat that size and weight. My current prop is a 19 pitch. I was thinking about trying a 15 or 17 pitch to see if that helps. Someone mentioned moving the rear battery. That is an option I thought of but I didn’t think the weight of one battery could make that big of a difference.
    Dan – I’ve been dealing with Towne Marine in Bloomsburg PA. Are you in PA? May I ask what dealer you went through?

    If you have both a kicker and your battery on the port side im not surprised at all that you have a lean to port. I run without a kicker and 2 batteries in the back one port and one starboard that i added.
    I run mostly trimmed down with the engine and im totally level by myself or with a passenger seated next to me.

    Dan Pierson
    Posts: 6

    I’m in Southern Idaho Frank. The trim tabs cured my porpoise issue and helped the list some. I adjusted them last night. They were set the same on both sides. I’m optimistic the adjustment will help. Wont be able to get her out until maybe Saturday. I’m seriously considering a 17 pitch 4 blade prop though. I also see a lot of boats with hydro foils on them (whale tale) I’m curious what one of those would do.

    J Guad
    Posts: 11

    I can get my boat to balance with all four family members on board but as people grow, that will change and it’s a pain that I didn’t want to deal with anymore. The real problem was having a single guest aboard that isn’t a child since you can only move one person around so much unless you make him sit on the floor.

    I’m currently installing the Bennett Bolt 124 tabs. I spoke to the folks at Bennett Marine and they assured me that these tabs would do the job. In a week, I’ll know for sure and will let everyone here know as well. I haven’t mounted my clamp on kicker yet so I don’t know if the clearances work… but soon I will and if it doesn’t, I can buy a setback bracket to move it aft 10″.

    Installation, so far, has been a lot of work because of my swim platform. Notching that thing while mounted was a HUGE pain in the butt. I’ll post pictures and everything in a week after the 5200 cures and I have a chance to water test it all.

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