Anybody else cash in on the Gandermountain clearance?

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19572

    Picked up some Striker Predator bibs for my bro-in-law for $112, picked up a Marcum LX5i for myself for $337.

    Looks like it ended yesterday but expect another to start up with more items soon. Love those end of the year sales, only time I ever buy anything.

    Posts: 292

    Darn been waiting to find a striker climate discounted. Do you know if those went on sale? Ill definately be watching for more.

    Brad Dostal
    Posts: 156

    Glenn’s Army Navy has striker gear on sale.

    Posts: 19572

    Only Predator suits were on clearance, there were a bunch of Climate suits at the gander stores I visited until I found a LX5i in stock so I would guess they get clearanced next. The hard part is that there were no signs saying they were clearanced, had to have a salesman scan the tag to find out.

    Posts: 2596

    Ah yes, the store I love to hate. I just took advantage of their 20℅ off storewide coupon.

    Posts: 7348

    Wrote this a few times before, but have to say GM online has Elite 5 HDI for 169 bucks.

    Posts: 153

    Yes sir, bought a lx3-tci for $280. Just sold my old lx3tc for $250!

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Striker Predator suit for me. It’s very nice. What surprised me the most was how much warmer my hands and feet feel now that my core, arms, and legs are warmer and better protected.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    Only in store? Can’t find anything online.

    Posts: 19572

    The good stuff in-store and you have to ask them to scan tags as most stores I’ve been to aren’t advertising what’s on clearance with signs.

    I read online that Predator suits were on clearance, drove to the nearest gander, asked a salesman who said nothing was on clearance yet, I asked him to scan the Predator bib tag anyways and sure enough it was clearanced down to $150, then you get another 25% off that price. Stock was extremely limited but I got lucky that they had 1 left of my size in the back.

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    Thanks for the info guys. My old LX-5 was acting up, so I ran to Gander tonight and grabbed a new LX-5i for $337. Great deal. I will get my old one checked out and use it for guests or back up. I really appreciate the heads up!!!!

    Savage Brewer
    Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    I picked up a pelican sled with runners, cover and tow hitch bar for a little less than $100 normal price was $149.

    Also picked up some line, a few lures, and some clothing…

    I am wondering whats going on with Gander, the stores seem to be carrying less and so on. Kind of concerned that they may not be doing all that well, I hope thats not the case though as it is my closest tackle/hunting shop.

    Posts: 539

    Picked up the LX5i for $337 and a Clam Bigfoot XL4000T hub for $225.00. Both great deals

    Posts: 19572

    Just a heads up on the Marcum units, if you’re calling around to see what stores have any inventory left, if they tell you they have 1 left, make sure to ask them if it’s the display model they are talking about. I failed to do that the first store I called and wasted a 20 mile drive as it was the display unit that still had a security cable glued to the head unit, a dead battery and the buttons felt like they had been pushed a million times! They kept a straight face while telling me it was a new unit..I said they were nuts and passed on it…

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