Any truth to this?

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Serious question.
    As you know news travels slow to get up here. Is there a gang of kids (under 18 years old) that has been caught stealing cars, credit cards & ramming police cars? I heard that they have been caught and RELEASED like 3 times in the last month. I’m skeptical about this because how in the world could something like that happen. Just looking for some clarification. This allegedly happened from Bloomington to Edina and other cities. If this is true, this society really has a problem brewing. How could you ever hire a cop when they catch em and the courts release the perps time after time. I hope this is a false report I heard.

    Posts: 1044

    I cannot comment on Mn but I can comment on Chicago. Crimes against property will not be prosecuted. Chicago’s top shopping area is Michigan Ave, also called the Magnificent Mile, and there are empty store fronts. Watertower Place is the TOP shopping place but there there are empty stores there. All due to crime the city will do nothing about.

    Posts: 12741

    Rumor. The fact that you said minors would give you the idea why they were released however.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I do believe there was a group of teenagers in the suburbs responsible for a large amount of car jacking that were recently apprehended. I don’t know what happened when they were caught though.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    I know 2.5 years ago my nephew quit the force cause every arrest they made went back out on the street. Saw the futility of this and said F this.
    North metro MN

    Posts: 9309

    Rumor. The fact that you said minors would give you the idea why they were released however.

    With the way the court are lately, even adults would be released or have a very small bail.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Tough to say, but I’d like to think it’s a story that’s had the truth stretched. I still have enough faith that if it involved ramming cars and happened 3 times, they’d be sitting.

    With that said, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hold people charged with crimes. Bail is shockingly low on most offenses in this country. The whole “innocent until proven guilty” is very logical and just. The problem is that the process of proving someone’s innocence or guilt takes as long as it does. There are people charged with crimes that they clearly committed on camera or in public, who refuse plea deals and are out on bail for countless months despite their cases being obvious. The system is painstakingly slow and attorneys know how to slow it down more in many instances.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Here in Milwaukee there is a group that are known as the Kia boys. They are responsible for dozens of stolen vehicles and countless dollars in damage to property. They are so bold that they made Youtube videos documenting everything they’ve been doing. I know one was arrested, but as stated above, they’re minors and it’s considered non violent, so they are processed and released in short order.

    Posts: 340

    Courtesy of BigWerm’s Facebook

    via Live On Patrol

    “BELIEVE IT OR NOT – JULY 15 – Two juvenile suspects were arrested a third time last night for several robberies, after being released to their parents twice in the last week. Female victims were punched in their face several times. Minneapolis Police did pursue the suspects in a stolen car and arrested the two juvenile male suspects and two females. More info tonight on “Live on Patrol” at 9:11 pm.
    In case you missed them, here are the previous crime spree posts.
    The juvenile suspects released to their parents last week – mentioned in the post below – continued their crime spree this week. On July 12, two of them were seen stealing from the Speedway Gas Station at Cedar and 47th in Minneapolis. They ran to a blue Kia that they had stolen earlier and attempted to flee by ramming a Minneapolis Police squad car. They were arrested again – and released to their parents again.
    Not surprisingly, one of the suspects was arrested again this morning (7-14) by Edina police after he rammed one of their squad cars with a stolen vehicle from Brooklyn Park.
    In case you missed it, here is last weeks post:
    From 07/05 – 07/07 a juvenile crime wave of 4 offenders swept over the southwest suburbs of Minneapolis.
    The crime wave started on 07/05 with 5 thefts in the span of about 3 hours in City of Edina. A worker had his lunchbox and credit cards stolen. The suspects did not stop there and rummaged through two more vehicles and ran into an open attached garage committing a burglary stealing items then fleeing from the home owner when confronted. The suspects Used stolen credit cards form the thefts in St. Paul and Roseville.
    The crime wave continued on 07/06 with the suspects committing a burglary in Eden Prairie stealing credit cards, sunglasses, and rummaging through two vehicles. The crime continued where a Gray BMW X7 was stolen from an open garage with the key in it. The credit cards were used at the Cedar Food and Grill and a Holiday Gas Station. The suspects were seen using the same stolen Gray BMW X7 to rummage through other cars. Later, in Minneapolis a citizen called in a complaint of 4 – 5 people smoking something around a dark colored SUV. The SUV was the same BWM X7 stolen in Eden Prairie earlier that night. The vehicle fled before MPD arrived.
    On Thursday the crime wave yet again struck when Minnetonka PD responded to a burglary where two vehicles were stolen. One of the vehicles stolen was a Tesla Model S which was located later by MPD in Minneapolis with a credit card from the Edina thefts. The second vehicle stolen was a BMW 328i Later in the day, Minneapolis PD was dispatched to Cub Foods on Snelling Ave S on a report of several juveniles causing a disturbance the juveniles fled in the EP Stolen BMW X7 and another vehicle (thought to be Minnetonka’s stolen BMW 328i).
    The spree culminated when Bloomington PD were alerted to the presence of the two stolen vehicles at the Mall of America. Using video surveillance Bloomington PD tracked the suspects inside of the Mall. When BPD attempted to detain the suspects they attempted to flee on foot. The suspects were apprehended and had two handguns on them. One handgun had the serial numbers scratched off. Two of the suspects had the key fobs on them for the vehicles which were located in the parking lot. THEY WERE RELEASED TO THEIR PARENTS because the Hennepin Juvenile Detention Center does not hold property crime offenders. All 3 suspects have an auto theft history and 2 have a weapons history prior to this arrest. – Back on the streets.”

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Courtesy of BigWerm’s Facebook

    via Live On Patrol

    “BELIEVE IT OR NOT – JULY 15 – Two juvenile suspects were arrested a third time last night for several robberies, after being released to their parents twice in the last week. Female victims were punched in their face several times. Minneapolis Police did pursue the suspects in a stolen car and arrested the two juvenile male suspects and two females. More info tonight on “Live on Patrol” at 9:11 pm.
    In case you missed them, here are the previous crime spree posts.
    The juvenile suspects released to their parents last week – mentioned in the post below – continued their crime spree this week. On July 12, two of them were seen stealing from the Speedway Gas Station at Cedar and 47th in Minneapolis. They ran to a blue Kia that they had stolen earlier and attempted to flee by ramming a Minneapolis Police squad car. They were arrested again – and released to their parents again.
    Not surprisingly, one of the suspects was arrested again this morning (7-14) by Edina police after he rammed one of their squad cars with a stolen vehicle from Brooklyn Park.
    In case you missed it, here is last weeks post:
    From 07/05 – 07/07 a juvenile crime wave of 4 offenders swept over the southwest suburbs of Minneapolis.
    The crime wave started on 07/05 with 5 thefts in the span of about 3 hours in City of Edina. A worker had his lunchbox and credit cards stolen. The suspects did not stop there and rummaged through two more vehicles and ran into an open attached garage committing a burglary stealing items then fleeing from the home owner when confronted. The suspects Used stolen credit cards form the thefts in St. Paul and Roseville.
    The crime wave continued on 07/06 with the suspects committing a burglary in Eden Prairie stealing credit cards, sunglasses, and rummaging through two vehicles. The crime continued where a Gray BMW X7 was stolen from an open garage with the key in it. The credit cards were used at the Cedar Food and Grill and a Holiday Gas Station. The suspects were seen using the same stolen Gray BMW X7 to rummage through other cars. Later, in Minneapolis a citizen called in a complaint of 4 – 5 people smoking something around a dark colored SUV. The SUV was the same BWM X7 stolen in Eden Prairie earlier that night. The vehicle fled before MPD arrived.
    On Thursday the crime wave yet again struck when Minnetonka PD responded to a burglary where two vehicles were stolen. One of the vehicles stolen was a Tesla Model S which was located later by MPD in Minneapolis with a credit card from the Edina thefts. The second vehicle stolen was a BMW 328i Later in the day, Minneapolis PD was dispatched to Cub Foods on Snelling Ave S on a report of several juveniles causing a disturbance the juveniles fled in the EP Stolen BMW X7 and another vehicle (thought to be Minnetonka’s stolen BMW 328i).
    The spree culminated when Bloomington PD were alerted to the presence of the two stolen vehicles at the Mall of America. Using video surveillance Bloomington PD tracked the suspects inside of the Mall. When BPD attempted to detain the suspects they attempted to flee on foot. The suspects were apprehended and had two handguns on them. One handgun had the serial numbers scratched off. Two of the suspects had the key fobs on them for the vehicles which were located in the parking lot. THEY WERE RELEASED TO THEIR PARENTS because the Hennepin Juvenile Detention Center does not hold property crime offenders. All 3 suspects have an auto theft history and 2 have a weapons history prior to this arrest. – Back on the streets.”

    flame doah thats some good parenting there. whistling had that been me as a kid………i wount be able to sit for 2 months or leave the yard for 6 months!!!!!!

    Posts: 354

    Uffda! Dad was was brutal in his ways of setting me straight, but mom would make me see the light, literally. That damn wooden cooking spoon seemed to be unbreakable, until it finally snapped over my head.. doah

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    This sort of crap has been happening in Davenport, Iowa for several years now. The kids do not care if they get caught and go to jail. When they get out, they have stature, and most after they get released end up in Adult prison. Some doing this have been as young as 12 y/o. I live in a small town in Illinois 30 or 40 miles from there. We do have a few problems here, but not like in Davenpit. For the record, there are plenty of good folks in Davenport also.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    When you have no fear of the system you have no respect for the system.

    Bright orange jump suits scrubbing Grafitti and cleaning litter out of ditches might teach a lesson or two. Well at least until we can throw their sorry a$$es into Stillwater.

    Posts: 4800

    same thing in rochester. its even the same for adults. there has been some people caught multiple times for stealing catalytic convertors and breaking into homes and they are caught and let go over and over

    Posts: 426

    Years ago wasn’t grand theft auto a pretty serious offense?

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Thanks for posting TMF, and yes it is true directly from Live on Patrol which is ran by Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher. And as my brother (lawyer) pointed out the law requires releasing juveniles for property crimes, including auto theft, so it’s not necessarily the prosecutor or judges refusing to prosecute, the law limits what they are able to do. The legislature would need to change the law for there to be more teeth behind a carjacking arrest.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    As a cop friend of mine said to me this weekend…..”It’s a joke.”

    He was referring to the fact these kids are on the street and back at it faster than the cops can finish the paperwork.

    Posts: 1803

    I’m not defending or justifying the behavior of these kids, but hear me out.

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s and I got into my fair share of trouble. My parents were strict and I still pushed the limits. When the trouble I was getting in started leading to confrontations with police, I was eventually scared straight. I had been conditioned to believe that I had a promising future if I could get my act together. In other words, I felt I had something to lose if I got caught up in the system — college, job prospects, etc. The big difference I see between myself and these kids in the news is that they appear to feel as though they have nothing whatsoever to lose. They aren’t trying to protect their futures because they see nothing worth protecting. And that to me is the thing that is most screwed up about all of this. If we find a way to fix THAT, I believe we’ll see a decrease in these kind of shenanigans.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    I’m not defending or justifying the behavior of these kids, but hear me out.

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s and I got into my fair share of trouble. My parents were strict and I still pushed the limits. When the trouble I was getting in started leading to confrontations with police, I was eventually scared straight. I had been conditioned to believe that I had a promising future if I could get my act together. In other words, I felt I had something to lose if I got caught up in the system — college, job prospects, etc. The big difference I see between myself and these kids in the news is that they appear to feel as though they have nothing whatsoever to lose. They aren’t trying to protect their futures because they see nothing worth protecting. And that to me is the thing that is most screwed up about all of this. If we find a way to fix THAT, I believe we’ll see a decrease in these kind of shenanigans.

    A lot of truth there but I would bet that you didn’t have everything handed to you. You probably worked since you were a teenager and had to basically support yourself for anything your parents would not buy you. I have a number of friends who have sons in their middle teens who basically have done nothing, have no goals because Mom and Dad made sure their kid wasn’t going to be deprived like they were. It is sad but someone has to set these kids straight, it isn’t going to be the parents, that’s for sure. I don’t know any of my friends with kids that send them to Sunday School like we were. That drilled into my head the difference between right and wrong. Not saying that a requirement but it also helped set expectations. We definitely live in a different era…I’m afraid it’s not going to get much better.

    Posts: 1803

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dirty Water wrote:</div>
    I’m not defending or justifying the behavior of these kids, but hear me out.

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s and I got into my fair share of trouble. My parents were strict and I still pushed the limits. When the trouble I was getting in started leading to confrontations with police, I was eventually scared straight. I had been conditioned to believe that I had a promising future if I could get my act together. In other words, I felt I had something to lose if I got caught up in the system — college, job prospects, etc. The big difference I see between myself and these kids in the news is that they appear to feel as though they have nothing whatsoever to lose. They aren’t trying to protect their futures because they see nothing worth protecting. And that to me is the thing that is most screwed up about all of this. If we find a way to fix THAT, I believe we’ll see a decrease in these kind of shenanigans.

    A lot of truth there but I would bet that you didn’t have everything handed to you. You probably worked since you were a teenager and had to basically support yourself for anything your parents would not buy you. I have a number of friends who have sons in their middle teens who basically have done nothing, have no goals because Mom and Dad made sure their kid wasn’t going to be deprived like they were. It is sad but someone has to set these kids straight, it isn’t going to be the parents, that’s for sure. I don’t know any of my friends with kids that send them to Sunday School like we were. That drilled into my head the difference between right and wrong. Not saying that a requirement but it also helped set expectations. We definitely live in a different era…I’m afraid it’s not going to get much better.

    My parents were strict in the sense of punishing for bad behavior, but I also knew that they were going to be there for me and probably bail me out if/when the poo hit the fan. If it came to that point, they would’ve been there with a lawyer, because they too wanted to protect my future. Yes, I did get a job at 14 and my oldest just started working at 15.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    The big difference I see between myself and these kids in the news is that they appear to feel as though they have nothing whatsoever to lose. They aren’t trying to protect their futures because they see nothing worth protecting.

    Agreed. I also think society telling them they are victims from birth and lacking the privilege enjoyed by others is a factor as well. Regardless of anyone’s opinion on that matter, it’s still the land of opportunity and we should be teaching everyone that. There’s a million examples of people who have overcome the most terrible of circumstances, and they should be the examples set forth.

    Posts: 12741

    If I had to guess these parents are not around much. If they are they are doing similar things. Just a guess. whistling

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