Any Recent Reports?

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Heading up to fish the river and LOTW later this week. Just wondering if anyone has been out there recently. Looks like wind and rain for the first 2 days so we will most likely stay in the river those 2 days

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Looks like we are showing up while a big cold front is coming thru, 80’s today and low 50’s by the time we get there on Thursday morning. With the wind as extra factor, we will be fishing the river on Thursday and Friday. Looks better for the weekend to get out on the big lake and head to the reefs north.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Cold front this time of year will do nothing but help the bite. If it’s raining, that’s annoying.

    Fish are starting to go in the river but it’s a late year so a little early for the good river fishing. You should be able to find plenty of fish with jigs and minnows on the south shore though – zipple to pine island.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Sounds good, thanks. Guessing by the wind we will have to stay in the river or inside the gap for Thurs and Friday

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    My Dad and his buddies just got back from Border View, they went with BV guides each day. Sounds like they were up by the islands and then a few miles past Pine, caught a lot of fish, but almost all of them were small. He thought biggest eye was around 23″. They got one 42″ jackfish, and sounds like they were jigging.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Out today, couldnt go past the gap due to the west wind. Got a few in closer to the river then the weather kicked a lot and finding anywhere to fish was a challenge

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Will probs be out there Saturday morning. Might buzz up Sunday evening too depending on how Saturday goes out there. Will be on the west side. Looks like it calms down after Friday.

    Posts: 20

    We’re heading up Thursday-Tuesday. Any recent updates? We’ll primarily be fishing the river.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Friday with the NNW wind blasting down the river, we trailered to Birchdale. Pretty slow for us and the few others we talked to there

    Saturday we were able to fish the river channel in 4mile and just outside of the gap, did much better than Thurs and Friday, but the weather was also much better, at least less wind.

    Sunday the wind was pretty calm and we made the run up to Bridges Island and Garden Island without much to show. Came back and fished the same spots as Saturday and did decent.

    Frozen shiners seem to be best but we caught fish on live bait too.

    Posts: 1211

    Little cast and blast for grouse/walleye up there this past weekend. Camped at Zippel Bay. Fished out of ZB Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Fought some impressIve waves relative to my boat. Had some great fishing. Water was 49-51. Jig/shiner and plastic in 18-21’. Talking to other groups in charters, they were jealous of us (we went out 1/2 mi).

    Couple sturgeon too!

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