Any reason not to block all livewell access points?

  • Kyle White
    Posts: 7

    I still have a leak somewhere that I cant find and am heading fishing for a long weekend. I don’t have time to check all the hoses and find this leak especially with 2 livewells.

    If I block the main live well pump areas, the overflow (re-circulator) access points and the drains, does anyone see a reason not to do this (other than not being able to throw fish in there)?

    I am hoping that will solve my leak issue in my boat. Here are the pics of the spots I think I am going to plug….if there is a reason not to, please let me know.

    LUND 2002 Pro V

    1. 20160828_220408.jpg

    2. 20160828_220359.jpg

    3. 20160828_214511.jpg

    4. 20160828_214817.jpg

    Posts: 1281

    I read your other post about the leak, and IMO, you NEED to make time to find the leak first. If you don’t know where the leak is coming from, blocking all livewell hoses may or may not do the trick.

    IIRC, you had an older Pro-V? I had an issue on my 1994 pro-v where the transom tray was affixed to the transom. there was a small gap there and any water that splashed into the transom well could freely flow into the bilge instead of the out the scuppers. A bead of silicone caulking fixed that problem.

    Kyle White
    Posts: 7

    Thanks for the feedback. I will check the transom as well to see if that is an issue.

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