I used to get that rag years ago as well as field and stream, Pat McManus was the best part!!
I got a call from one of the magazine editors when I wrote them complaining about the format and had left them my phone number if they wanted to know why I was cancelling my subscription.
I forget his name now but we had a good long talk, I told him I was tired of how I could read two paragraphs on one page and had to flip through twenty pages to read the last two paragraphs three lines at a time.
He described that was how the format was arranged so that you had to be exposed to all of the advertising.
I told him that IF I wanted to read the ads I would do so if they interested me enough to check them out and if they didnt change the format I would cancel the subscription.
I guess I have saved a little over a thousand bucks in the last thirty five years not counting interest by not buying their crap and if they dont miss it thats fine by me, more money for fishing and shootn stuff!!