Any one have kids doing the youth hunt

  • John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6746

    Congrats Josh, her expression says it all!!

    Posts: 9311

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>deertracker wrote:</div>
    I was looking at the regs yesterday. Says the limit for youth season is one deer. I thought in years past they could shoot multiple if they had bonus tags?

    They can shoot more than one deer in a zone that permits the harvest of bonus anterless deer. If you scroll down to page 37 there is a chart that outlines it. No party hunting permitted, and any harvest during the youth season counts towards the regular firearms/archery/muzzle loader season totals.

    That chart just shows when they can use a bonus tag or when they can’t. Look at my screen shot under bag limit.

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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18834

    Look at my screen shot under bag limit.

    Yes, it says “higher bag limits apply in areas where the early anterless season is open.”

    My understanding is that if you are in a bonus mgmt zone you can harvest additional anterless deer, provided you purchase the bonus tag.

    Posts: 9311

    Yes, sorry. I’m not in an early antlerless area but we are a 3 deer area. The way I read it you can only harvest more than 1 if you are in an early antlerless.

    Posts: 4374

    DT thats the way I read it also.

    Posts: 2853

    Congrats to your daughter Josh,she does look excited.

    Captain Musky did you have the proper shells for the 7mm?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    He got blood on his hands. Now the butchering

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    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    My grandson took a shot at a running doe this afternoon. No sign that it was hit. He hung his rifle on the tree and was down the ladder and on a dead run towards the spot he shot at before I could slow him down.

    Posts: 1671

    Good deal BC! That’s awesome!! It was tough staying awake this afternoon. We took turns. Lol. To spice things up for the rest of the weekend, I ungrounded the oldest boy. Might run over to my folks farm tomorrow or Sunday with him to see if he can get a crack at the buck my dad seen a couple times with the bow before harvest. It’s a dandy, so I’d love for him to see him. 🤞

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    Posts: 24686

    Middle boy capitalized on me blowing a fawn bleet that spooked this old b*tch right to him. She was huge had to be over 150 for sure. Made a perfect shot.

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    Posts: 1214

    My middle son got his first buck a little 6pt and my youngest got a nice doe.

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    Posts: 9311

    That 6 pointer is interesting. His brows are on the outside. Lol

    Congrats to all. My youngest has passed on some good bucks over the years and has shot a few nice ones. This year he is all about the body size over antlers. Hoping to get him one of our bigger forks tonight.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18834

    Get that meat carved up it’s freaking warm out today!

    Posts: 24686

    Get that meat carved up it’s freaking warm out today!

    Yeah it’s awful. Did the butcher without gutting method last night on my son’s deer. This morning the carcass smelled so bad we both almost puked lol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    My eldest son Henry got it done on his first full day of hunting at the Midwest Monster Farm near Hinckley on Thursday evening.

    After seeing does and spikes all morning, he was getting pretty antsy wondering if he’d see anything better in the evening. We got to the stand at 3:00 and by 4:00 he was convinced nothing was going to show up. Oh ye of little faith. I told him that since the beginning of time, the hunter’s greatest weapon has been patience.

    About an hour before sunset, the usual crowd of does and fawns showed up and we said howdy to some old friends. The infamous Nervous Nelly showed up and promptly spotted us from 200 yards away and threw an absolute fit before she ran off to the great puzzlement of the rest of the assembled does and fawns who had no idea we were there.

    15 minutes later, an 8-pointer trotted right out into the field to have a good look at all the does. “Shooter!” I said. Henry just about fell out of the stand as his heart redlined and he lost the ability to speak.

    The 8 moved from our right to our left about 130 yards out in the field and he stopped to [Warning, Shameless Plug Ahead] feast on Midwest Monster’s Brassicas Bender. And this fat boy had obviously been doing a LOT of feasting this summer because his ass was two axe handles wide! Talk about a boxcar butt. Buckie got back…

    And then it all appeared to go bad. before Henry was on the rest and lined up, suddenly the 8 swing his head and looked right at us as the breeze changed from SW to W just like that and blew our scent right to him. His nose went straight up in the air and I thought we were hosed. We froze and instantly he swung and trotted straight away from us.

    “Hold,” I whispered. Henry indulged in a few whispered words that he is not normally allowed to use, but I know the feeeling.

    The 8 got almost to the edge and then he seemed to remember why he’d come in the first place. Oh, yeah, gotta check and see if any does are ready. And just like that, he turned and fast trotted back toward the does over on the other side of the plot. Good news and bad news because that put him well out of Henry’s comfortable range, so we watched and hoped.

    It didn’t take long and the 8 wore out his welcome with the ladies. He finally put his nose up the wrong does backside and off they went at a trot and this time luck was with us and they came back toward us. “Get ready, he’s going to come out from behind the tree island.”

    Henry lined up and sure as heck the 8 came out from behind a tree island that is in the middle of the field and he stood perfectly broadside on top of a rise. “One sixty four. Aim dead on and take him!”

    “Sending it.” HH whispered. BOOOOOOOOM! Henry’s Tikka .243 sent a 90-grain Nosler at 3100 FPS. I was watching through the binocs and… Nothing. The deer didn’t stagger, didn’t shudder, didn’t fall, didn’t stumble, he just bound into the woods and was gone like nothing happened. “Did I get him?” HH was shaking like crazy.

    We got down, but I was almost positive it was a clean miss. We hot-footed it across the field and I started looking for sign while HH went downwind to watch in the trees. Nothing. No hair, no blood, absolutely nothing on the ground where the 8 stood.

    Grandpa joined us fresh from his nap in the ground blind. We looked for 15 minutes and then Grandpa found a drop of blood on a leaf 10 yards into the woods. One drop. I explained to Henry how a tracking line goes and that he must go first in the line and snap-shoot if the buck jumped up. 10 steps and wait for the touch on the back, then 10 more slow steps. His teeth were still chattering, I noticed.

    It has been a long time since I tracked a deer that was hit but bled that little. A drop, a smear on a tall stem of grass, another drop. We had to backtrack 4 or 5 times as the trail was lost. There was just nothing to go on, the blood sigh was 10-20 yards apart in places. I was thinking he grazed him low, but we kept on.

    “There he is!” Henry spotted him first. The 8 had piled up 100 yards from the field, stone dead. Double lung shot, and I cannot recall seeing this before, but he missed the rib on entry and the bullet went between ribs on the exit. Just a neat dime-sized hole on both sides.

    What a deer! 189 field dressed at the processors.

    I’m really proud of the boy. He did very well and he learned a lot from this hunt. I was actually glad that he got to see what happens when it’s not an instant kill and now he understands that you don’t give up.

    Congratulations to all the other fathers out there who took kids out. Whether or not a deer was taken, you’ve been successful just by being there.

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    Posts: 24686

    Very nice Grouse! Proud boy there and he should be well done!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Have to pack with ice and wrap with a tarp. I’m butching now and the deer is in perfect cutting order

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    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Congratulations to everyone who took a kid out. I know it was awesome for us the bonding and teaching experience is just another great mark of a memory I hope he holds for a long time. Now he gets to play butcher with me. Just waiting for a buddy and his kid to bring a fresh kill over and team up with Mason and I

    Posts: 2853

    Congratulations to all the young hunters and the adults that took the time to take them.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 496

    nice to see all the kid having good luck so far this weekend.

    Posts: 3319

    Great job to the Grouse boys! Congrats!! waytogo waytogo

    Posts: 3917

    Great job by the youngsters!! congrats !!
    Great job Dads!!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    Great write up Grouse and congrats t HH! Good job Dads, can’t wait until my boys are old enough.

    Posts: 1214

    That 6 pointer is interesting. His brows are on the outside. Lol

    Yes, that is a very interesting antler configuration lol. My wife was sitting with him when he shot it and she thought it was a spike.

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    Congrats to all the kids and there parents to getting them involved in the “great outdoors”. My daughter passed on a couple doe’s opening morning and then went 2 days without seeing a deer. Last night with 1 minute of legal shooting left this guy popped out working a scrape on public ground. 215 yards in low light she smoked him. Her legs were still shaking 20 minutes after the shot with so much anticipation if she hit him. The look on her face when we realized she got it and went 15 yards, ill never forget.

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    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4343

    Congrats to all the dads and mentors for taking the youngsters out in the woods. The smiles tell the whole story. waytogo waytogo

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Congrats to all the kids!

    Yesterday morning while driving out to scout some public for a limited entry hunt there was what looked to be a whole family out celebrating and taking pics of a nice 130’s 10 point a boy shot. I slowed down to yell congrats out the window, and immediately the kid came running up to my truck to tell me the whole story. Turns out it was his first ever deer. He was still so excited he could hardly get the words out of his mouth! It’s fun to see kids that excited about something, not to mention the dad that was so proud he was grinning ear to ear when he walked up to say hi.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Congrats to all the kids!

    Yesterday morning while driving out to scout some public for a limited entry hunt there was what looked to be a whole family out celebrating and taking pics of a nice 130’s 10 point a boy shot. I slowed down to yell congrats out the window, and immediately the kid came running up to my truck to tell me the whole story. Turns out it was his first ever deer. He was still so excited he could hardly get the words out of his mouth! It’s fun to see kids that excited about something, not to mention the dad that was so proud he was grinning ear to ear when he walked up to say hi.

    That is what it’s all about. Memories that will last forever

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