Any Knot Tying Tool work?

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    I just had a problem I’ve never had before. I used some Sufix Invisiline fluorocarbon in 2lbs. test and not only could I barely seen the line I could hardly tie the two together.

    My sight isn’t the best and I’m getting older but man, this stuff was almost invisible.

    I tried a double uni, then a blood knot, and finally a double uni after many tries of each.

    Has anyone used any specific knot tying tool with any success?

    * Note: I need this to make the Double Uni or Blood Knots.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    This tool is actually pretty useful for struggling to see the line and eye. I gave one to my dad. The Fly and Ice one is perfect.


    Posts: 426

    This tool is actually pretty useful for struggling to see the line and eye. I gave one to my dad. The Fly and Ice one is perfect.


    Does it work on small horizontal tungsten jigs?

    Iron Range
    Posts: 99

    Koehler Clinch Knot tool is easiest for me. Comes with a good set of instructions
    and there is a very good video on You Tube.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    I have had issues with ultra-thin 2# Fluoro lines the past 2 seasons. Drives me nuts. No reading glasses will cut it. My strongest advice is to get a set of these. Throw away the swing out magnifier.

    I am using 2# Daiwa Fluoro and the stuff is like angel hair.

    Posts: 12719

    Not really the answer you are looking for but use 4lb. Don’t see why you would need 2lb floro leader. I can’t imagine trying to tie a good knot with that and I have good eyes. 4lb may not help with the eyes but at least you can feel it a bit.

    Posts: 377

    I tie the double uni without looking. Practice at home with heavier line and make big loops. Have the line parallel to your pointer finger and hold with your thumb. Make the loop and hold that with your thumb so you are holding the main line and the loop with the same thumb. Wrap the line around your finger. I always hold the line with my left hand reversing the line for the second knot.

    Posts: 1267

    I tie the double uni without looking. Practice at home with heavier line and make big loops. Have the line parallel to your pointer finger and hold with your thumb. Make the loop and hold that with your thumb so you are holding the main line and the loop with the same thumb. Wrap the line around your finger. I always hold the line with my left hand reversing the line for the second knot.

    Tying not the problem, it’s getting the line through the jig eye.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5995

    2 too light
    4 too heavy
    3 just right, IMO

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I’ve had to give up on 2# lately. But those glasses are inexpensive enough to try. One of the fishing shows asked a bunch of pros (Brosdahl, etc) what they used for panfish. They all said 2# so I guess it probably makes a difference. But I can’t feel or see it. I haven’t seen 3# fluoro, I’ll look for it. But 4# has been good for me so…

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    Where I live, the lakes are shallow and gin clear once the lakes stratify. The only way to fool the bigger bulls is with a very stealthy presentation. We used to use Otter Thread and 2# Tectan in years past because they were the thinnest lines available. The best I have found recently is Daiwa 2# flouro. Good knot strength and I don’t have to re-tie every 3 or 4 fish. The only way that my 68YO eyes can tie that stuff is with the headband magnifier.

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