Any info on ice fishing green bay for whitefish?

  • Don Schwader
    Posts: 25

    Just wondering if anyone on the forums fish the bay of Green Bay in Wisconsin for whitefish? I live close by the bay and fish often for yellow perch & northerns but so many here are now adding whitefish to the list so anyone fish this body of water care to share some advice on what they use and areas of the bay to fish

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    You tube….. there are tons of videos including ido shows with more info than you could ever need.

    Stephen Swiss
    Posts: 6

    Fished it last year mid-winter. The wifey and I drove north from GB up into door county peninsula, parked along the lake near Idlewilde. The outfitter, SilverStrike Ice, picked us up lakeside in a side-by-side, drove about a mile out to a cluster of heated ice shanties. Fishing was OK. The wife could not get the hang of it, though. Fishing in 90 feet of water, very light bite using minnow-tipped jigs. Take a very sensitive ice rod with as stiff a line as possible. Bite was good until the wind switched and started blowing cold water into the bay from the northeast. Shut the bite down for the rest of the afternoon.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    I make the trip from Port Washington WI at least twice a year. There are a million different ways you can fish them. Some use a kind of dropper rig where you have a 1/4oz bell sinker at the bottom and two plain hooks tied 6 and 10 inches above that. Some use a oddball jig and wax worms. Some use jigging spoons with waxies or minnow heads. This year isn’t shaping up to be a real good year for getting out to the deeper water. As stated above, watch some YouTube videos for a general idea of how to set up for it.

    More then anything else call a local baitshop or even a guide who is on the ice everyday to get a decent idea of conditions. Also these guides use public ramps to access the bay. You can follow their tracks to get a general starting point, just be respectful and give them a lot of room, say 1000 yards at the least.

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