Any EVO 1 Reviews?

  • bullcans
    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Anybody have any experience or reviews on these Eskimo EVO 1 shelters?

    Posts: 7348

    For what I bought for I love it. Ran one all last year, mille lacs, leech, Winnie, lots of smaller lakes around. Early was on a Smitty, most was getting dragged behind atv.

    Needed to be small enough to fit in back of Tahoe at the time, light enough to lift in and out no problem, and fit me and my daughter in when she came along. I’ve fit 2 guys before, it’s snug but it works if needed.

    Quality fabric, it’s not insulated but very thin(and light) compared to others and retains heat well imo. Nothing great but it does well enough. Roof doesn’t seem to really hold the moisture after long sits, don’t get me wrong shes wet but from other shelters I’ve been in it doesn’t rain on ya and dries off rather quickly. Poles held up so far. Tub is thin and can see that being a problem if flying across rough ice often, perhaps the hyfax would help. Love the windows. Seat is only thing I can gripe about, the ball bearings fall out into the tub once in awhile that it rotates on but I just pop em back in with no issues. Seat itself is very comfy for me.

    The setup does take a bit more time, but I don’t pop it up all that often. I run and gun alot until primetimes when I’ll setup. The drill bit accessory is a must, fly in a couple anchors and pop pop you’re all good to go. The roominess it has for a one man is awesome. I sat in the clam and the otter one man’s and just felt claustrophobic and wanting more leg room and space for stuff around. I’m 6’1″ for reference.

    The cover fits good and holds up really well. Can’t say how it setup initially I bought it used. Pulled the skirt out of ice quite a few times thus far and can’t see any damage anywhere on the thing from last season.

    Any other ?’s feel free to ask. Tough getting a gauge on longevity when I only had it a year but I use my stuff pretty hard. Between the 949i hub and this thing I’m very happy with Eskimo products. Plus they all wear flannel in their promos, it’s freaking flannel! Awesome!

    1. IMG_20161228_191217450.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    Need to add about the storage. All that fabric and poles sit inside the sled making very little room for gear on top before it spills out. Since I like to run alot beforehand when it’s on the Smitty I need to have all the gear on top and with the fabric and stuff it gets to be a PIA honestly. Now, when the atv comes along that problem goes away, but really need to minimize what you bring on the ice when pulling by hand.

    My list that is in Smitty again for reference typically includes small tackle bag, otter rod case, 5 gallon bait bucket, big buddy heater with 1#s. Auger sits on a carrier outside of smitty.

    Posts: 118

    Eskimo will send you a new seat swivel base for free. They are aware of the problem on the initial sleds they sold. I too have an EVO1 but rarely use it. Perfect for day trips on foot on new ice. Love the room once setup is done. I take a couple rods, drill auger, fish finder and am good to go. Little buddy when needed as well. Not a problem dragging it by hand while the tent is up either. Fits great in most compact cars. If they come out with a fully insulated EVO2, I will get it as well. All in all a great tent in my opinion.

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