Any deals on 12 gauge shotgun ammo

  • dhpricco
    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 659

    Bought a case of federal steel duck loads prior to the jump in prices of hunting loads a handful of years ago. My stock is pretty depleted coming into this hunting season. Just wondering where people have found the best deals on steel hunting loads. I would be fine buying a case if I could get a deal/rebate, but not expecting that to happen. Seems Fleet farm has had poop stock the past couple years. Probably end up buying the fiocchi brand at scheels if nothing comes from this thread. Thanks in advance.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3193

    Check out ammoseek. You could at least find what you normally use and maybe for a deal.

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    The problem with ammo seek is the shipping costs most places charge. By the time you pay shipping you might as well spend the $8.99 at most retailers

    Wright County
    Posts: 3193

    You can sometimes find free shipping. I just know a lot of guys are real picky about waterfowl loads so you may be able to find them.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    Check out Rogers sporting goods online. Buy all my steel loads from there, free shipping over $99. If there will be any rebates its usually around Aug 1st is when they start. Before prices went up the other year I could get a case of 3″ 1 1/4oz federal speed shok for $99 and then a $50 mail in rebate on top, I quit reloading steel because it was cheaper to buy a case from rogers.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    +1 for rogers. I’ve bought a ton of ammo from them the last 2-3 years.

    Also check out reeds. They sell ammo online and I’ve found pretty good deals on there before. I’ve found when buying ammo online, you have to buy a lot of it to spread that shipping cost out over more ammo, so its less of a dent to the wallet on a per box basis.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18993

    Also check out reeds.

    This is the only place I have found the specific pheasant ammo I prefer to use. I never used to encounter an issue finding it at local retailers like Scheels or Cabelas prior to the pandemic. Reeds is the only place I’ve found it since about 2020.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 659

    Thanks for the info guys. Just looking quick I see on Rogers they have Rio Blue Steel for a decent price @ $16.99 per box. Never shot Rio shells. That case of Federals I bought a handful of years back had about 5 duds in it that never fired so I am fine with trying something different. I shoot a SX3 semi auto.

    1. Capture-1.jpg

    Andrew Gilberg
    Posts: 32

    +2 for Rogers and the free shipping when you buy a case worth. I’ve been shooting Rio shells through an SX2 the last few years and been happy with it. No duds so far and seems to shoot a little cleaner than the Federals in my experience.

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    +2 for Rogers and the free shipping when you buy a case worth. I’ve been shooting Rio shells through an SX2 the last few years and been happy with it. No duds so far and seems to shoot a little cleaner than the Federals in my experience.

    Federals shoot awesome but damn are they dirty!

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 659

    Ended up buying some from Scheels. Most of there shotgun ammo is marked down right now.

    Posts: 888

    Reeds has there fall sale next weekend and it includes online pricing on ammo.
    I picked up 5 cases of steel from them earlier this year when they had there gun show sale as well. They have been beating Rogers pricing for the last 2 plus years. Prior to that I use to order all my ammo from Rogers but they have not wanted to play the $ game for quite a while.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    reeds fall sale starts today. It looks like the discount code doesn’t knock anything off for ammo unfortunately. lots of other stuff is on sale tho

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