Any contractors willing to share a little free advice?

  • Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    Planning on a storage building up at the lake. Right now the size is 30X40 might go a bit bigger but because of some landscape restrictions not much. I admittedly don’t know much about construction. Lets just say a budget of $15,000. Does this limit me to a pole barn type of structure with a dirt floor? Does stick built require a slab? I know a slab increases the cost by quite a bit and I don’t know that it is really necessary. In the summer it would be storage for the lawn tractor, side by side, park the truck in etc. In winter the pontoon would go in there. It will have power which is already there but no heat needed.

    Thinking I might have the site work done this fall and building next year. Or site work next spring and building next fall.
    Any input or advise is appreciated.

    Posts: 6631

    It’s probably gonna cost more than $15,000…..even for a pole barn with dirt floors

    Materials will probably be around $10k for cheap stuff. Windows, doors, and electrical all add up too.

    I hired out a 24×40 stick built with 16′ sidewalls, 20×14 insulated door, vinyl siding, asphalt roof, floor drain and concrete floor. It was about $40,000 with some dirt and tree work. It would have been a few grand more but I did the electrical work.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Material and labor will be in vet your budget. I couldn’t build it for your budget.

    I know there are companies that advertise 24 x 30 metal building installed at 12-13k and I don’t know how they do it. Been in construction for over 30 years and they scare me

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    Yeah 15 was kind of the starting point to see what it buys. I don’t need anything elaborate. Would like the sliding barn type doors on the front and a service door on the side and a some windows.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Concrete is nice but wouldn’t be necessary in your case. You could have class 5 dropped or even crushed concrete and pack it down.

    Posts: 1699

    Do you want to contract out every thing?

    If you’re able to add sweat equity, watch the Menard’s fliers for garage kits. With a garage kit, you could contract the foundation and rough framing. That would get you a lot of progress pretty quickly. Your job would be to get it under roof by winter.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    Well site prep has to be contracted out. A guy on the other side of the lake is building the same size building but stick built with a slab. He just had his site prep done for $1500. I told him to send his guy over to talk to me. He was still shopping building designs and has a builder but doesn’t know the cost. I think he is going far more elaborate than what I need.

    I’d rather contract it out. I’m too old for ladder work and it seems when you have friends and family members do these things they never quite get done. I’d sooner pay to have someone comes in who does it for a living and when they leave there’s nothing left to be done.

    michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    When you are looking for lumber and material call fertile lumber they were over 2500 cheaper for the materials on my 28 by 32 stick built garage. I had also had Matthew hall, home depot, menards and cold spring lumber bid it studs were all straight and insulation was Owen’s Corning. They also didn’t charge for delivery and I’m in st cloud.

    Posts: 534

    You didn’t say where you are thinking about building.

    I would start at the County GIS mapping. Then turn on the FEMA flood layer to see if your property is in a flood zone.

    You will need a building permit from your local planning and zoning authority. Even though you may not be in a flood plane, FEMA, DNR, and the local township/county may have something to say about what you build and how you build it.

    I am having a 30 x 40 building/garage built on a vacant lot near me, on a back lot. Due to DNR/FEMA/City Planing and zoning, I have about $10K in site prep. There went my electric.

    There is a lot of homework to be done. My building has been a year in the planning.

    One last thought, most dirt floor buildings are not rodent free.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    My 24′ X 30′ pole barn cost $30K with concrete floor and aprons on both ends. That included a 100amp panel and some outlets. A major cost in my build was the 14′ x 14′ doors on both ends.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    Thanks for all the replies and advice gents. One saving grace for us is we are not directly on the lake. The lake is across the road from us so that should simplify things when it comes to permits etc. Already have my power service in place so that expense is not considered. Sounds like you have more than what I’m looking for Super Dave. I know how these things usually work.

    You land on say 22K to get the building and prep work done. For a few thousand more we can add this nice feature. Well if you’re going to spend that much then you might as well do this too! grin I’m going to try to stay off that elevator!

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