The other thread got pretty long so lets work on a new one.
The male Goldfinches here have started to brighten up and have a lot of the gold color now. The Junco have moved on and the Chickadees and Nuthatches are both singing and chasing so they must be about ready to nest up. Both the hHairy and Downy woodpeckers are doing the same. WE have three Pileated woodies here recently several times a day and keeping suet handy is starting to become a challenge since they eat like horses.
The Red Winged Blackbirds have returned to the water’s shores everywhere around here too.
With the melting happening so fast around the house I was able to clean up a little under the feeders and for a second time in as many years I found a dead Sharp Shinned Hawk piled up against the foundation. Besides feeders hanging from the pine boughs I have a pair of shepard’s hook with feeders and I think the hawks rip in for a kill and miss seeing the hooks and wring their own necks when they finally try to avoid them.
Its a fun time of the year at the feeder and its interesting to see the different birds transition thru the area. Won’t be long before the migrating birds begin to make a showing.
On the other side of the house next to our drive I have another feeder post and have always used generic bird feed there to help try and keep the pesky sparrows over there so they don’t chase the finches off from their feeder. This year I put plain black sunflower seed in it all winter and it worked great. And the Cardinal like it away fro the close quarters of the pine feeders.