Any 3 – pt. hitch users on Polaris Ranger?

  • DFP
    Haverhill Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Checking if anyone has any experience with the 3 – pt. hitch on a Polaris Ranger? I’ve been looking at UTV’s and what all it could be used for. One of the things I found in the Ranger accessories book is a 3 pt. hitch system. I have a inclined gravel driveway that washes in hard rains. Wondering if it would work with the rear blade to drag rock back up the hill and fill washouts. I spoken to 4 dealers and none of them have sold any. Opinions so far were half and half on how good it should perform. I plan to also look at some other brands and see what they offer.


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I have no experience with one on a Ranger, but have one on a smaller JD diesel. I wouldn’t be concerned about the power to pull it, I would be concerned about the gearing since it’s a CVT machine. I’m sure it would work, but dragging rock could put some immense heat on the clutch sheaves, which will transfer to the belt. Polaris CVT belts are not cheap and constant belt temps above 200 degrees will deteriorate a belt in a hurry.

    They were built to perform the heaviest of tasks, but dragging a road may make it tough when the grade gets steep. I could be way over thinking it, but I’ve spent more money that I would like to admit on OEM CVT belts over the years…I had one on a Can-Am Maverick last about 150 miles once before it grenaded(operator error).

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Just the fact that you spoke to 4 dealers and none had sold one is, to me at least, pretty telling.

    What most don’t realize about 3 point systems is there is no “down pressure” like a hydraulic front end loader. The “down pressure” is provided by the weight of the implement itself, so if you need heavy down pressure, you need a very heavy implement in order for it to work properly.

    For example, my 8 foot food plot disc for my tractor is over 1000 pounds.

    Well the downfall here should be pretty obvious when we’re talking about UTV and ATV equipment. ME rightly points out, these machines are simply not made to do the work of a tractor. A sprayer or a broadcast seeder is fine, but when you start doing tillage or grading, I can see bad stuff happening.
    That’s why I sold my ATV tiller and got into a full size tractor.


    Haverhill Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Thanks guys for your feedback. I totally concur with Grouse on the fact when multiple dealers have never sold any, it makes you wonder why? That’s why I had to throw it out here. Thought maybe someone would have had one or knew of somebody. Aside the fact that the system may be considered pricey. One of the dealers I spoke with is in a very rural setting and his feelings were that most of the people he sold UTV’s to were farmers and already had their tractors and attachments. In my case, my lane is only approx. 130′ to the top as opposed to some lanes that can be several hundred feet or longer. Obviously a simple solution would be to pour concrete or lay blacktop. I’m just thinking for less money than pavement I can get a UTV to be used for a few tasks. Trying to figure out what all it can be used for.
    Thanks again.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Why not get a used compact tractor?

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We had the dirt works system on our ATV for doing food plots at the farm when we first started them. It was a great 3 point system for an ATV, but we blew up one ATV and ran another pretty close to it’s death before getting a tractor. I still think it is a great system, but you have to be careful how much strain you put on the ATV. The Dirt works will let you way over work your ATV before it gives up.

    Another option is DR power equipment makes a pull behind grader. I haven’t used one, but they seem decent and DR is great company!

    DR power

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Why not get a used compact tractor?

    While I agree, the CUT would be nice, what I found was demand was very high for small HP brand name CUTs like Kubota, NH, and Deere.

    I found older small or mid-sized utility tractors (55 to 75 HP) to offer a lot more for the money. Also, I did not want to have to mess with diesel and there are a lot more older gas utility tractors out there that will start in any weather. I got an old Deere 65 HP gas with a good FEL, 2 buckets, and fluid-filled tires with chains for less than 5k. I never saw a major brand CUT with a loader go for less. She’s old, but she fires up, loader works, 3 point works, and she starts every time.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I bought this tractor 6 years ago now and have been very happy with it. It has been a true work horse. I am not a fan of gas tractors, but the old JD 8N are some of the most reliable rigs out there if you are looking for something to grade a driveway.


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