Antlerless permits

  • walleyesforme
    Posts: 261

    Anyone lucky enough to get drawn? We hunt in 177 and my girlfriend and myself were not drawn. Haven’t talked to the other people that hunt with us yet but I think one would have to be pretty lucky up here to get drawn with the few number of permits. I really wish they would revise how they go about that whole drawing thing. It’s my understanding when you buy your license by whatever date it may be your name is automatically put in. I’m sure there’s plenty of people out there that have zero intentions of ever harvesting a doe that get drawn and the permit is essentially wasted when someone else would have been grateful to have it. Oh well, maybe next year.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11322

    Didn’t think they were drawn yet??

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6162

    Looks like they have Glenn. I just checked the DNR sight and I did not get one this year. flame

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19439

    Looks like they have Glenn. I just checked the DNR sight and I did not get one this year. flame

    Buy a bonus tag and I’ll help you get a metro doe, you can get 5 of them at 19 bucks a piece. No need to go north when the population is so much better south.

    Posts: 261

    I wish I knew more about deer hunting so I could do something like that. I’ve deer hunted ever since I was old enough to but we have our own land and have never hunted anywhere else and would have no idea how to go about an endeavor like that. We hunt the same places on our property that my dad did and his dad and his dad. No clue how or why but the deer always use the same travel routes and come out in the same places. We strictly hunt for meat. My family loves the hamburger mixed with pork because it’s far superior to what you can get at a grocery store and the lean roasts and back straps get canned. I could eat that stuff every day. Until the last couple years it’s never been an issue getting at least one deer but the last couple has required a lot of time in the stand. That’s on 500 acres of private land near Orr. The bad winters and the wolves really took their toll. I’d love to have enough meat to make some jerky, polish and sticks but we usually just do what what we use the most with the few deer there are around.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1376

    No anterless tags where we hunt in 132.

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