another ? wolf of yote

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I am leaning heavy toward wolf flame

    1. MFDC7041.jpg

    2. MFDC7040.jpg

    Posts: 1811

    Those look like wolf legs to me!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I would go wolf. There’s no line, so I don’t think it’s a Snook.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Green Sunfish, for sure.

    It’s a wolf. Length of legs compared to the height of the body, size of the lower back legs, head size, heavy, thick head… etc, etc.

    Even if it were a coyote, that wouldn’t be good news because this would be mutant giant coyote from hell, so not really much of a feel good factor there.


    Posts: 2693

    It’s a wolf. Length of legs compared to the height of the body, size of the lower back legs, head size, heavy, thick head… etc, etc.


    Tail to body mass suggests wolf too.

    Those front legs are a big tell.

    Posts: 2693

    I’d guess a younger wolf and looks healthy too. Food plots don’t just feed deer, they support the whole food chain.

    Ryan Templeton
    Posts: 44

    Late to the party, but agree with everybody else–wolf.

    Posture and height of body (as in top of back to bottom of stomach) are telling…

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