Another shut down for MN?

  • Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    The loss of jobs with closings will be bad. But worse then that is the loss of tax income for the States and Feds. Guess who will be asked to make up the deficit? wave

    People making over 400,000 dollars a year ?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Since this has turned political like most post lately I just want to go on record to point out some key economic indicators now so we can compare then to what they are 4 years from now.

    Unemployment Rate Prior to Covid – 3.25% – Nearly level for the full year prior to Covid
    Nationwide average Gas price – Currently 1.70-1.95
    Current Prime Rate – 3.25. Average 30 yr fixed home rate 3.06 and 15 year at 2.6
    Inflation rate ending in Sept. at 1.4 and has been below 1.5 for the last year or so.
    Home sales – Averaged 5.4 Million for the last 4 years.

    If these key #’s are this good in 4 years I’ll be the first person to say well done Biden or Harris – Who ever is our president at the end of the 4 year term.

    For those who don’t understand economics, a dirt low interest rate is NOT the indicator of a booming economy. The Fed has dropped these rates as a bandaid. They are actually a sign of a propped up economy by artificial means. Gasoline prices mean nothing more than the oil industry has foreign competition that floods the market raising supplies when demand crashed due to Covid. Trump has nothing to do with that. Those statistics also failed to mention the record breaking growth to the national debt the last 4 years. Kicking the can of fiscal responsibility down the road doesn’t mean someone fixed the economy, it means they’re delaying the inevitable. Where’s the ~250,000 lives lost during his Presidency?

    One cannot cherry pick the good things only when evaluating a President’s term in an unbiased way. He was the POTUS that ignored Covid as long as possible. Would that outcome have been different had he not hid from it? We will never know, but we cannot deny his actions and the outcomes now…. unless of course you are what everyone likes to call a “sheep”

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    Since this has turned political like most post lately I just want to go on record to point out some key economic indicators now so we can compare then to what they are 4 years from now.

    Unemployment Rate Prior to Covid – 3.25% – Nearly level for the full year prior to Covid
    Nationwide average Gas price – Currently 1.70-1.95
    Current Prime Rate – 3.25. Average 30 yr fixed home rate 3.06 and 15 year at 2.6
    Inflation rate ending in Sept. at 1.4 and has been below 1.5 for the last year or so.
    Home sales – Averaged 5.4 Million for the last 4 years.

    If these key #’s are this good in 4 years I’ll be the first person to say well done Biden or Harris – Who ever is our president at the end of the 4 year term.

    It may surprise some people but maintaining the economy isn’t the only job of the president. I for one think Trump did a terrible job of maintaining relationships with our foreign allies not to mention relations within our own country. i bring that up only to provide another job duty not to try to stoke the fire although im sure it will accomplish that as well. I do like that he tried to play hardball with China although i don’t know how successful he was with making changes

    We are screwed as far as China goes. We are screwed way worse than you could dream of.

    Keep going with the vague references to “being screwed”. This is like a more interesting version of the Fox News ticker. Sprinkle in a video of Rudy G. with his hands down his pants and the image is complete!

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    From an ICU nurse at Regions Hospital yesterday.
    “We are 95% full (not all covid) in the ICU. Still doing elective surgery.”

    Last weekend In Minneapolis, we were diverting patients to Duluth…Duluth!

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    So what is the chance of a shut down state to state for travel. Truck or plain. I want to get to New Hampshire some time soon.
    Don’t mean to interrupt the back forth. I’ll stay out of that.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Gasoline prices mean nothing more than the oil industry has foreign competition that floods the market raising supplies when demand crashed due to Covid. Trump has nothing to do with that.

    Well, except for the time he intervened in the Russia Saudi price war.

    Posts: 4802

    It’s all speculation at this point of what is gonna happen. Walz is suppose to announce something tomorrow

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Hmm, someone seems well versed in Qanon. Are you also a “poor” boy?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    Those statistics also failed to mention the record breaking growth to the national debt the last 4 years. Kicking the can of fiscal responsibility down the road doesn’t mean someone fixed the economy, it means they’re delaying the inevitable. Where’s the ~250,000 lives lost during his Presidency?

    He was the POTUS that ignored Covid as long as possible. Would that outcome have been different had he not hid from it? We will never know, but we cannot deny his actions and the outcomes now…. unless of course you are what everyone likes to call a “sheep”

    Just curious – What measures would you like to use to determine the success of a President???? This should be interesting !!!!

    In regards to the National Debt. Prior to Covid Trump was on a pace to add far less to the national debt. than either of Obama’s 4 year terms. See Below:

    The National Debt, set to reach $27.8 trillion by the end of 2020, is a number that for most of us is too high to even conceive of. Through time, National Debt has continued to climb, from President to President, as a result of decision making and events that have fallen both within and outside of the White House’s control.

    This article will dive into how much each President has contributed to National Debt, the types of decisions they make that impact debt levels the most and the events that have shaped America’s economic reality throughout history.

    Key Stats:
    Until the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown (03/16/20), Donald Trump had increased debts by 16.08%. That’s considerably less than Barack Obama (69.98%) and George W. Bush (105.08%)
    Since ‘lockdown’ began, Trump has increased US national debt by a further 15.11% in just 7 months, an increase of $3.6 trillion.

    As far as the handling of the Covid issue. Almost all states requested to handle the covid issue at a state level and for the most part were granted that. By the way – Look at who is in control of those states and cities that have had the biggest levels of Covid cases. If Trump would have stepped in and made decisions you and other would have said he was overstepping his powers. Just like when he made the decision to restrict travel from China and all the Democrats said that’s wrong and his power should not allow him to do that – Then scream a a month later that he should have done something sooner. The whole covid issue was a no win situation for him no matter what he would have done.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    maybe we should just shut down this site for a while lol. probably do us all some good

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    As far as more state restrictions, I guess it is supposed to be geared towards the younger crowd (age 18-35) because they are currently the group that is contributing to a high rate of infection, whether knowingly or asymptomatic.

    Posts: 4802

    As far as more state restrictions, I guess it is supposed to be geared towards the younger crowd (age 18-35) because they are currently the group that is contributing to a high rate of infection, whether knowingly or asymptomatic.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
    Hmm, someone seems well versed in Qanon. Are you also a “poor” boy?

    I’ll assume you’re referring to me. It’s not a bad idea to be able to recognize the language used by cults, helps to weed out the folk who like to spread misinformation.

    Not sure what a “poor” boy is, though.

    I think they a group associated with Qanon.

    So is Qanon a cult?

    Posts: 1507

    Looking at the newest news source from WCCO it is saying Tuesday Walz may have restrictions in place for specific target areas.
    I’m hoping my wife and others are not affected drastically.

    1. I’m sorry I even posted this.
    2. Like many others not a woe is me many have been affected by being unemployed. We just started to get on our feet again like many.
    3. Religious content will be removed it says but this one time I will say I will put all my trust GOD. Not our government system made up by man that will never by perfect no matter what.
    4. I post about fishing related topics usually get a few posts back greatly appreciated but seems like anything political gets more posts than fishing thought this was a fishing forums?
    5. I fish because I don’t want to talk about politics I like the tug at the end of the line.
    6. I’m bummed because if she does get reduced hours it means I probably cant get the new 2 person flip over house I was hoping for. Yes this is very selfish of me to want something fun in life but there are others suffering worse than many. Please forgive me for wanting a cool house. blush
    7. Off soap box now, my apologies again I’m concerned about the many who have been affected by this those losing jobs, getting covid. Lets help those who need it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12254

    Looking at the newest news source from WCCO it is saying Tuesday Walz may have restrictions in place for specific target areas.
    I’m hoping my wife and others are not affected drastically.

    1. I’m sorry I even posted this.

    I hope people are affected as little as possible too, Pike. Everybody’s going to sacrifice something in this deal no matter what, but I pray for the people who cannot afford that burden more than anything. I want people to stop dying.

    I don’t think you should be sorry for posting this. We’ve got to get past this thing where people see anyone who disagrees with them politically as “the enemy” and make up BS about everything from their patriotism to their motives.

    I personally haven’t lost a lot of business during COVID and I freely tell you that everything on my list of “sacrifices” we’ve had to make during the whole pandemic so far are so firmly in the camp of “first world problems” that I won’t even bring them up. My concern is for the poor so again we will double our donation to Joseph’s Coat in St. Paul this year. We have already talked to the kids about reducing our Christmas present spending by half and donating that money to Joseph’s Coat as well because the working poor are far and away the worst hit by this.


    Posts: 104

    You will have an answer to this thread tomorrow

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    maybe we should just shut down this site for a while lol. probably do us all some good

    No need to shut down anything. It’s been said before and I’ll say it again. If you don’t like topics not related to fishing and hunting. Then pass them and move on. If you don’t like talking politics then don’t respond. It’s funny how many complain about some topics, but then seen to get involved in every one of them. Oh ya. I can’t control myself, so someone else should change so I don’t have to.

    Posts: 2596

    Here ya go

    1. BBE53177-77F0-41C9-82E5-5F8689CB59AD.jpeg

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Oh yeah I forgot motivated voters pizzagate thread.

    Posts: 2596

    Here’s a handy guide, only $22

    1. 3EC5E6EE-DACF-4B27-9D1B-6DF1F922D6E9.jpeg

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    maybe we should just shut down this site for a while lol. probably do us all some good

    No need to shut down anything. It’s been said before and I’ll say it again. If you don’t like topics not related to fishing and hunting. Then pass them and move on. If you don’t like talking politics then don’t respond. It’s funny how many complain about some topics, but then seen to get involved in every one of them. Oh ya. I can’t control myself, so someone else should change so I don’t have to.

    Well said.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    maybe we should just shut down this site for a while lol. probably do us all some good

    No need to shut down anything. It’s been said before and I’ll say it again. If you don’t like topics not related to fishing and hunting. Then pass them and move on. If you don’t like talking politics then don’t respond. It’s funny how many complain about some topics, but then seen to get involved in every one of them. Oh ya. I can’t control myself, so someone else should change so I don’t have to.

    Well said.

    Relax. It was said in jest

    Posts: 2596

    Well I see how your name came about.

    The only ones supporting it are the ones who are throwing the claim around.

    You are way more of a qannon supporter than I am.

    Interesting. Resort to disparaging name shaming, lol. And you assume that just because I inform others out there about the thoughts of others who have an agenda intended to be perpetrated on American soil, and that I am a follower of its ideology as well??? I bet you got a gold medal in jumping to conclusions.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Relax? Said literally two words this entire thread. coffee

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