I appreciate stats! A couple questions about this one though, maybe you could help me understand some potential discrepancies? I mean this, not starting a flame war, just want whatever ‘statistics’ are presented to be reliable, hopefully that’s not cause for insults or anything inflammatory.
1. Where are the rest of the European Union Countries?
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain all seem to be missing in action. Is it because it would make US appear higher on the list if they were included? Wouldn’t it make more sense to compare the US to other ‘advanced’ countries?
Also, is it weird to include Finland on the EU calculations even though it’s not a part of the EU? It’s almost like they wanted to include it because it’s one mass shooting had a huge impact on the ‘per million’ calculation.
2. Why is the researcher applying his ‘rules’ of what a mass shooting is to the USA shootings but not European ones? The Velika shooting in Serbia was done completely inside private homes but it was included on the list, meanwhile there are likely dozens(maybe hundreds) of similar US shootings omitted. Switzerland/Italy’s shootings also shouldn’t really be included given his criteria.
I’ve seen sources citing more than 1,500 mass shootings(more than 4 people) in the US since 2012, so only seeing 25 seems like maybe something is missing. I don’t know if it’s possible to get an exact number, but 25 seems WAY too low. Like probably omitting over 1,000 too low. This site shows 21 ‘mass shootings’ in the US in 2017 alone(and we aren’t done yet), and over 169 fatal shootings.
How do you react to Dr. Lott’s history/allegations as a researcher?
Disputed survey
In the course of a dispute with Otis Dudley Duncan in 1999–2000,[67][68] Lott claimed to have undertaken a national survey of 2,424 respondents in 1997, the results of which were the source for claims he had made beginning in 1997.[68] However, in 2000 Lott was unable to produce the data, or any records showing that the survey had been undertaken. He said the 1997 hard drive crash that had affected several projects with co-authors had destroyed his survey data set,[69] the original tally sheets had been abandoned with other personal property in his move from Chicago to Yale, and he could not recall the names of any of the students who he said had worked on it. Critics alleged that the survey had never taken place,[70] but Lott defends the survey’s existence and accuracy, quoting on his website colleagues who lost data in the hard drive crash.[71]
Mary Rosh persona
In response to the dispute surrounding the missing survey, Lott created and used “Mary Rosh” as a sock puppet to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Mary Rosh persona.[70] Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself “the best professor I ever had”.
Many commentators and academics accused Lott of violating academic integrity, noting that he praised himself while posing as one of his former students,[79][80] and that “Rosh” was used to post a favorable review of More Guns, Less Crime on Lott has claimed that the “Rosh” review was written by his son and wife.[80]
“I probably shouldn’t have done it—I know I shouldn’t have done it—but it’s hard to think of any big advantage I got except to be able to comment fictitiously,” Lott told the Washington Post in 2003.[80]
Again, looking at this objectively, this guy basically tried to ‘Debbie Dallas’ people and got caught(like Debbie Dallas). It just doesn’t look reliable.
Mass shootings also represent a very small percentage of the total gun related deaths that occur in the US every year. For instance, in 2013, over 21,000 people committed suicide using a firearm.
Here’s a few other ‘STATS’ for discussion. If there’s anything wrong with these please chime in, I actually want to have a real discussion formed on facts, not shady looking calculations.
First data sourced from the UNODC.
Second is from

