Maybe a bad thing I’m coming off of a really crappy week. So here is the harsh reality. It’s not the color of the blades
, its not the size :???:, its not even the rod your using
How ironic. I was just explaining to someone last night that you can draw pictures, explain things like they are in first grade, spend hours typing up instructions, produce very elaborate how to videos, and even park their rear ends in my boat for 16 hours and dam near hold their rod for them – and there is always that 1 in a 1000 people that will never be able to catch fish.

So Tom, congratulations
For you its like hitting the lottery. You are that 1 in a 1000
I would offer to take you out for a day to personally teach you, but we already know how that would work out. I would be hammering them one after another
and there you would sit all bent out of shape watching the magic show
So please, do us all a favor, pack up all your fishing gear, neatly bubble wrap all the rods, and deliver them to myself or one of my friends. We will make sure a well deserving child ( most likely in 1st through 3rd grade) will make better use of it all
In the spirit of my new spring rant of 2018 – I no longer care if your offended or have your feelings hurt
If you need reading material for self-reflection, spiritual uplifting, or just the sake of education follow this like below:
You’ll want to go to the 3rd of 4th entry in this. Seriously there is a ton of knowledge compiled in this.
The IDO Book of Blades