And the wife made him get rid of it…

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Okay, just something I thought was funny. So a guy that I’ve done small engine work for for years brought over his Craftsman 28 inch/9 HP snowblower back in October. He wanted to get it running and then sell it. As it happens, “Dave”, the guy who lives directly behind me, had repeatedly told me he was tired of his single-stage Toro and wanted to upgrade to a 2 stage machine. And he needed to upgrade, his driveway was WAY to big for the ol Toro Teaspoon.

    So I facilitated a deal between the 2 parties and everybody’s happy.

    Well Dave finally got to use his “new” machine on Saturday and man did he love it. He came over and was raving about how awesome it was to finally have enough power to clean up the driveway and FAST.

    Then he says, “Come over and check out what I did…”

    I go over to his garage and here he’s bought stick-on letters and down the side of the chute on both sides, he christened his new machine with a name:


    He’s like, “Get it? This thing blows like Monica Lewinsky, so I named her Monica. Get it?”

    Yeah, awesome Dave. You probably have too much time on your hands, but whatever blows your snow.

    So he stops over on Sunday to borrow a wrench and I told him make sure you use non-ox gas in Monica and he got all embarrassed and says, “Yeah, don’t call the snowblower ‘Monica’ in front of Jen (his wife).”

    She saw the new name and instantly made him take the lettering off. I guess she didn’t think it was funny. After he left, I was just chuckling to myself for hours imagining how THAT conversation went.

    No bad joke goes unpunished.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2120


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    I would of just renamed it JEN. wink

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    To bad some guys wives have no humor.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    I would of just renamed it JEN. wink

    Sounds like she blows. But not in a good way rotflol

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4008

    I can guess what he asks for his birthday every year and doesn’t receive.

    What was that old saying? A bj a day keeps the side chick away or something like that.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12635

    Nothing worse than a Wife with no sense of Humor.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    I can guess what he asks for his birthday every year and doesn’t receive.

    What was that old saying? A bj a day keeps the side chick away or something like that.

    That must be what my lady friend heard or something lol. I asked her the other day if she was related to the hoovers or Dysons rotflol

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    That is hilarious if you ask me! I love when tools, cars, and the like are named, and naming it Monica is quite apt! rotflol rotflol

    Our old snowblower was named BOB, which stood for Big Orange Beast. I don’t recall the brand but he was bright orange. My new one is a fancy red Toro with headlights… so I figured this one is a “she” so I call her Big Red. wink

    She saw the new name and instantly made him take the lettering off

    Seems harsh. I mean – does she even use the snowblower or is it just him? If it’s his snowblower then he should be the one who gets to name it!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9053

    Poor Guy.

    My wife legitimately may not know what equipment I have and use for clearing the driveway…much less care if it had a name.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    I thought the name was kind of groan-out-loud funny.

    But again, honestly, a guy that has time to go to Menards or wherever and buy stick-on letters to put a name on both sides of his snowblower… Yeah, probably has too much time on his hands.

    BTW, his boat is named. . . wait for it. , . 867-5309.

    His wife can probably be forgiven for being a little sensitive about naming mechanical things. Every time they’re at the boat ramp, somebody sees his boat name and starts singing… “Jenny I got your number…”

    Posts: 2853

    No way in hell would i remove it.It’s apparent she has his pair in her purse.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4008

    … “Jenny I got your number…”


    That is great. I like his style. If his 9hp snowblower blows so hard he called it Monice. (I don’t believe it was ever confirmed if she did do this job well or just was able to complete the job.) What can I call my 28” snowblower with a 420CC 21 Hp motor? The v8 option was sold out.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    Every time they’re at the boat ramp, somebody sees his boat name and starts singing… “Jenny I got your number…”

    Annnnnd now it’s in my head! rotflol chased

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