And so it begins

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    It’s officially the start of another food plot season starting Saturday. Heading to the farm to mow all the corn and bean plots, drain tile a new area that I want to covert into a new plot, spread some lime on one plot where my PH is hurting, then get some red clover seed in the ground. Pretty excited to get things rolling.

    I placed my beans seed order on Tuesday so that part is taken care of.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I got all the plots mowed over the weekend. Expanded one of them to about twice the size, got 2 disced up, but the others were still a little frozen. Couldn’t get the drain tile in as that ground was also frozen. Sunday the rain started at 3am so that day was a waste. Great to get some seat time on the tractor though. Heading back this weekend to hopefully get a couple more disced and spread the lime. Maybe get the drain tile in.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    I couldn’t resist either. I went up just to survey the property and refresh the mineral licks with some bags of new mineral.

    As long as I was out, I put up a couple of trail cams just to see what’s out and about. I just can’t resist running the cams.

    The ground is still frozen solid except for the top 2 inches, so no dirt work is possible yet, at lesat where my property is. I did take some picture of my new plots which I’ll post on another thread.

    Stopped by the feed store and got my seed order finshed up. Very nice to have a knowledgeable seed merchant that knows grazing varieties. I won’t be using any pre-fab “buck on the bag” mixes this year, it’s all my own creations. Got tired of paying $$$ for 80% cheap filler.


    Posts: 59

    Does you seed vender sell forage soybeans?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12220

    I’m not sure what the difference is between forage and regular field soybeans, but yes the Hinckley / Finlayson Co-Op has several varieties of soybeans coming in. Because of time constraints, I won’t be doing any beans this year, but next year I’ll be doing some.

    I don’t have a row crop planter so I’ll be broadcasting them.

    Sticker knows all about beans so he should chime in here.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I don’t know a ton about soy beans, but I do know that forage soybeans grow more leaves and browse material and will continue to grow better after browsing. Ag beans are more concentrating on the bean pods. Both will grow pods, but ags are for growing more beans and forage are for more browse material.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I am a little ahead this year with the little snow. I have everything mowed, disced, just spread 1300lbs pounds of fertilizer and tilled it all in. Overseeded my clover plots with 20 lbs of med red clover. All but one plot is ready to plant, just need the ground to warm up some more. The plan now is to plant the corn and beans on a 4 day trip starting April 30th. And hopefully shoot a turkey in those 4 days also.

    I still have one new plot to break ground on and that is going to take most of my time the next 2 weekends.

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