An update on our forum brother KWP.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I wanted to give everyone an update on my great friend and our forum brother KWP (Kendall Palmer).

    Back in September, Kendall suffered what was believed to be a stroke. That initial diagnosis was incorrect, and as his condition worsened in October and early November he was hospitalized and eventually was in the ICU. Due to massive and increasing seaziure activity, Kendall had to be placed in a medical coma about 4 weeks ago.

    Earlier this week, a new test finally revealed the cause of his illness. Unfortunately, it is not good news. Kendall has Creutzfeld Jacob Disease (CJD), a rare brain disease in the family of so-called prion diseases. The test combined with a continued decline in his bRIs makes CJD diagnosis definite. There is no treatment or cure for CJD and it is so rare that literally more people are struck by lightning every year than contract CJD in the US.

    Kendall’s family is honoring Kendall’s wishes and nothing else can be done for him other than to make him comfortable and pray for his quick departure to better fishing spots in the sky.

    Kendall is an extraordinary man, friend, and outdoorsman of astonishing capability. His occasionally matter-of-fact posts here on the forum were typical of his modesty, but I feel they also kept his real self partially hidden, which is in many regards, a shame.

    Many will have gathered that Kendall is a brook trout disciple of the first order. He fished brook trout in their last great stronghold, the Canadian sub-arctic with a devotion that certainly rivals that of any living Minnesotan. I wish I had an exact count of his Canadian sub-arctic trips, but they number over a dozen with certainty.

    His talents and devotion to brown trout, steelhead, walleye, and bass are known here on this forum, but again I feel that the surface modesty masked the depths. In 1999, Kendall fished in some capacity on 100 of 104 weekend days and logged over 250 days where he fished at some time during the day. He fished over 30 days of that year for steelhead alone, an astonishing feat for anyone, much less someone who lives over 100 miles from any steelhead water.

    He was the sole owner of his own Canadian walleye destination, Kampkitchi. It has been my great honor to share 12 trips to his paradise in Canada and I could write a book on his exploits just at Kampkitchi. We shared the greatest day of walleye fishing of my life in 2015 at his camp, we hiked into a lake that literally has no name and savaged hundreds of walleye in a situation that can only be described as “sight fishing” for walleye. The fish were in 3 feet of water on a reef they hammered our lures with reckless abandon for 8 hours. Kendall literally goaded me into going that day, I was reluctant, but he just had a feeling that today, of all days, would be it. And it was so.

    Once at Kampkitchi, Kendall came in to dinner after spending about 10 hours that day on the water. He bolted down 3 fillets of fresh walleye, wiped his mouth, drank half a can of Coke (he was a teetotaler), and announced, “Evening bite! Who’s coming?” He was gone in 5 minutes and as the 2 stroke smoke from his Mercury still hung at the dock, I said to the others at the table what now proves to be sadly prophetic:

    “You know, Kendall fishes like he’s never caught a fish in his life and he’s dying tomorrow.” The truth of this is so painfully prophetic that it leads me to wonder if he somehow knew all the long that he had no time to waste.

    I am sad beyond measure at this long goodbye being said to my friend. He was a mentor to my son and I feel we were cut from the same cloth as we both loved the outdoors and the tools and adventures that come with it. He was the greatest fisherman I will ever know and he will live on in my mind and I will fish with him in my memory forever.

    J.M. Hruby

    The Famous Grouse

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    Grouse, this is a fabulous tribute to your friend. Thoughts are with you, Kendall, and his family. I’m truly sorry to hear of this diagnosis but hope that its finality can, in time, bring peace to Kendall’s loved ones as it will him. There is no rationalizing such a sudden end to a life well lived, but at least it was that – well lived.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Certainly sad news about Kendall.

    Your words of admiration and respect for him are certain testimony to his character.

    Thanks for sharing this Grouse, it reminds us all that which we so easily take for granted.

    Posts: 425

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Kendall’s family. True friends are rare in life and the pain of losing them seems unbearable. Take comfort in knowing he is now enjoying the best fishing waters possible.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Sorry to hear this news Grouse. Thank you for sharing.

    Posts: 1811

    Sorry for your loss, sad to the max.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Sad news for sure.

    Thanks for the update Grouse

    Posts: 1277

    Condolences to both you and all involved with Kendall. That’s a bitter pill to swallow, but take some form of comfort in the fact that he lived well and experienced more than most who live a lot longer!

    God Speed, Kendall.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Prayers are sent to Kendall and his family. Thank you for keeping us informed Grouse. How sad given the holiday season.

    Posts: 5307


    The way you speak of him is truly inspiring. Kinda makes a guy hope hes lived his life in a way a friend would say the same about him if he passes.

    If he needs to go quickly I hope the big JC is shooting down here with a 250HP real quick for him.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Sorry to hear this news… but it sounds like he did not waste one minute of the life he was given. RIP KWP

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Each of us here should release a fish in Kendall & Billys (Sharons husband) honor this year. Both were taken to soon and will leave lasting memories.

    The other thing we need to grasp is life is short, live each day to it’s fullest.

    Thank you for the update.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    that was a nice tribute. Sad to hear of the news. I hope hes able to fish one last time

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I don’t know Kendall well, but I ran into him on the river several times and always thought highly of him. CJD sounds like a terrible way to go. Thank you for taking the time to write and share this. It’s a wonderful tribute.

    Posts: 3696

    Such sad news, and we should all have a friend that writes a tribute that great about us. Well done Grouse, and prayers sent to KWP and family…

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Only made one trip to the Brule with Kendall. He pulled out a jar of 4 year old spawn and proceeded to school both me and the Steelhead. He was a very good angler.


    1. Picture-008.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Damn Grouse, I’m sorry to hear this, and not knowing KWP other than a few online posts, your tribute to him really hit home. May you and his family find peace.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    This is hard to read Grouse, but a beautiful tribute to Kendall. Losing someone is hard, no matter who or when or how, it hurts. And there are no magic words when someone’s life is nearing the end. It seems so unfair. From one wounded soul to another, my deepest sympathies and hugs to you, Kendall, and his family.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Thanks for sharing this tribute. My thoughts and prayers for Kendall, Kendall’s family and you.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Damn Grouse, I’m sorry to hear this, and not knowing KWP other than a few online posts, your tribute to him really hit home. May you and his family find peace.

    I concur with this. my thoughts go out to you grouse and his family. crappy deal.

    I gave blood again this past Monday and that desease is one of the questions that you need to answer. brings a whole new meaning to it. ??? sad

    Posts: 3913

    J,and brother KWP,,,before I get into the deep sorrow I feel for all of you,I want you and others who may take a moment to read what I have to say to understand what I believe.

    When someone who is taken before what we think is their time and why sometimes prayers go unanswered for them,there is an Army being built beyond our sight and comprehension and that someone who is taken is needed in that Army to fight for the good of all of us,they are needed there much worse than they are needed here.
    I will add to this and say that death is not the end but the beginning,now maybe that is too deep for some of you but someday it will all be revealed to us whether you are a believer or not,you can take that to the bank and then some.

    Jay,when I joined this forum a few years ago,I saw much good in it in that many were not afraid to express their love of the world set before us,,the loss of a pet,the loss of a friend or family member.
    I find it comforting that we not only share our adventures as sportsman afield but we are not afraid to expose ourselves and who we really are inside and out even though we hide behind a screen name.

    it is also of note that we share our talents with each other and strangers who only come here for help and they are never seen or heard from again,but yet,,,,we still help out,there are many good souls here and I believe it is not only a testimony to who we are but as a group as a whole.

    KWP,I never had the privilege to meet you or get to know you,but the little I know from what others have said about you,you are a tremendous asset to the lives you have touched,I wish you Godspeed.

    Jay,thanks for sharing the inner you,may you be blessed for sharing the friendship you knew,and as Steve Root once said when Billy passed recently,you can either rejoice in the memories or dwell on one really bad moment in time.


    Posts: 2853

    Grouse that’s a helluva tribute to a good friend.I had to wipe a tear from my eye before i could type this.My prayers go out to Kendalls family and you sir.I wish i could have met the man.It sounds like he was someone special.

    Johnie Birkel
    South metro
    Posts: 291

    I’m so sorry to hear the news. God bless.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 732

    Although I never met KWP, your words have given me a glimpse into a life lived to the fullest. May he and his family reach peace, and the legacy he leaves behind, thru you and others, be remembered with inspiration to do he same.
    So sorry….. Chris

    Nick Schmitz
    Posts: 65

    So sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and Kendall’s family. So sad to hear. Thanks for the tribute.

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    I don’t post often here, but I feel moved to do so. I moved south to the cities ten years ago, and was looking to learn the ropes fishing the Mississippi. I posted a few questions on this site, not twenty minutes later, a guy named KWP responded. Later that night he had arranged for me to meet him at the 494 launch and he brought me out, and we proceeded to have a pretty good night catching walleyes. I have never forgotten his generosity not just with the fishing trip that night; but just being in the boat with him five minutes it was quite clear the type of person he is. It breaks my heart to hear what he has gone through lately, it just isn’t fair. God bless this good man, and my condolences to his friends and family.


    Posts: 352

    CJD is tremendously rare and awful, and it’s very unfortunate there are no treatments for it. Your tribute was beautiful. Keep him alive in your memories as you fish and he will never truly be gone.

    Posts: 6259

    Wishing the best for Grouse and his friend Kendal. What a tribute. It’s a blessing to find a good friend like you. Enjoy what time you have together and always cherish the good times you had.

    Posts: 6631

    That’s terrible to hear Grouse. He sounds a great friend and an absolute fishing junky.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Grouse – A great tribute to your friend Kendall. Prayers sent for him, you and his family and friends.

    With CJD being prion-based, I hope that they are looking into possible linkages to this having come from venison, or contact with deer/deer ticks.

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