An Interesting Take On Walleyes

  • mbenson
    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1727

    This goes along with a shutdown of my local waters for 5 years and at the during an upcoming Natural Resources Board meeting, where biologists will ask for another year of no harvest with no understanding of what thing or things are contributing to the so called “smoking gun(s)”.

    In a world where everyone wants to keep my fish, this information may be the most telling until we find the smoking gun… More later on this, back to the game..


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    You know I have a serious attitude problem as we have spent hours discussing this. But when you slip down a shoreline and see so dam many walleyes that were small and speared – THEN DISCARDED back into the lake. Indians utilizing the outdated rights of using modern technology to practice “traditions” is total bull $hi!. Then add in the greedy bass-turds that rape a resource. When you have a body of water that is already down to less than 5 mature walleyes per acre and you keep all that you can (including the double, triple, quadruple….limits) it doesn’t take long to crash.
    Then add in the off-balance of other species that are not harvested, but rather catch and released. Smallmouth as an example. Can’t tell you how many lakes over the years that went form a few, to a crap load of toads, and now like stunted bluegills. Nothing like a smally puking up hundreds of tiny eyes in my boat.

    I say shut it all down north of HWY 10 for 8 years with C&R only and if the Indians really cared about Mother Earth, they would set their beers down and do their part too

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1727


    After spending countless and many great hours in the boat with you and in the car on the phone conversations, what you say is true… It’s up to ALL parties to come to the realization that our fishing is never going to be the same. You cite three reasons and they are biggies, but how many more are there and does any of those others have more impact than the three you cited…

    IMHO though, there is a need in the current Minocqua Lake Chain for this study to go to conclusion to see if a smoking gun can be found in terms of reasons, (I said reasons) because I’m sure there are more than one. I also believe that the entire Midwest is watching any research walleye related topics to see if there become ideas for them to see if another state or provinces populations can be affected by what’s found.

    Our impatience should not halt this study sooner than necessary!!!

    Thanks Buddy for the input!!!


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Mark, here is an old one you don’t here of anymore. Acid rain! Remember mid 70’s campaign to stop acid rain? Water tests were showing the acidic levels rising in WI waterways. The finger was pointed at major corporations and polluted air. Well, I ask where is the study of all the millions of tons of salt and other concentrated calcium chloride that is poured on our roads??? It goes somewhere and as well know, it eventually goes into our water system.

    Another study that would be interesting to know, which you no longer hear about, is all the lead for gasoline. Soil studies along roadways shown huge concentrated levels of lead, which pushed us to lead free gas. How much lead poisoning to fish???

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1727


    It’s amazing to think that all that mercury that’s in the water from acid rain may not be having a bigger impact other than our food source from our waters… I know that regarding the salt on our roads was looked at by the town of Minocqua at one point in time, I’m not sure what ever happened to what they were thinking about how to get rid of that water running off the streets.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884


    It’s amazing to think that all that mercury that’s in the water from acid rain may not be having a bigger impact other than our food source from our waters… I know that regarding the salt on our roads was looked at by the town of Minocqua at one point in time, I’m not sure what ever happened to what they were thinking about how to get rid of that water running off the streets.


    Like other concerns….it falls into the STFU category when they find something that they shouldn’t

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