An FYI for Mille Lacs resort owners

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    I find good personal conversation is much more productive while sitting at the same bar partaking in your preferred Beverage.
    Too much website interaction with others is leading people to the Angry Husband Wife Dynamic.
    I would prefer to shake your hand after having a differing point of view conversation,rather than exchanging personal shots on a website.

    He Gone! chased

    Posts: 354

    I’ll never, intentionally, spend another dime to be on Mille lacs ever again, which goes back to the 50s in my family.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I’ll never, intentionally, spend another dime to be on Mille lacs ever again, which goes back to the 50s in my family.

    Why not? More curious than anything. Is it the DNR? Resorts not posting reports? Indian netting? RR

    Posts: 276

    I’ll never, intentionally, spend another dime to be on Mille lacs ever again, which goes back to the 50s in my family.

    I’ll bite.
    Enlighten us.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    It seems that some of the posts on this thread suggest that most if not all resorts and area businesses rant and complain rather than do anything to adapt and promote. If you are at all tuned in you’ll find that there are many that are trying. I subscribe to several email notifications that promote upcoming events. As I posted earlier on this thread since walleye seasons have been threatened the last few years, those that have adapted have been promoting other non-fishing related attractions in order to adapt and continue to succeed…FWIW!
    An unrelated question, would everyone who posted here comment exactly the same if they used their real name? Maybe…maybe not?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12265

    October 5, 2016 at 10:02 am#1643265
    It seems that some of the posts on this thread suggest that most if not all resorts and area businesses rant and complain rather than do anything to adapt and promote.

    You are entirely correct, there ARE some resorts and businesses that are changing both their businesses and their marketing to promote what Mille Lacs has. And yes, not all resorts and area businesses rant and complain.

    My point is that some of the resorts and other businesses who are the most vocal about who they see as being to blame for the decline of their businesses seem to also to be doing very little to promote or market their businesses and what ML does have. Some are even doubling down and dragging their political views onto their business website, which I would never advise a client to do.

    Sorry, but I’m calling BS on the real name thing. This was just a blatant diversion attempt by one member to try to invalidate a message that he doesn’t like. Don’t like the message? Just do a “look over there” diversion by bringing up this name thing. To me, it’s just an obvious sign that the message landed a little too close to the truth for his comfort.


    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    What are they suppose to promote? Catch n’ release walleye? Smallmouth bass? Muskie? C’mon man…Reality of this lake is that in it’s healthiest of times it was all due to one thing: The almighty Walleye! Build a lake that allows folks to keep a fish or two and the people will come. You want proof? Look at the last couple years! Are you listening DNR? Ya Ya I know…More finger pointing and name calling but the truth is none of anyone’s cute little fishing reports and cuddly on-line marketing ideas will work until the lake is deemed safe to harvest walleye. Walleye rules baby! RR

    King Dinger
    Posts: 75

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Walleyestudent Andy Cox wrote:</div>
    October 5, 2016 at 10:02 am#1643265
    It seems that some of the posts on this thread suggest that most if not all resorts and area businesses rant and complain rather than do anything to adapt and promote.

    You are entirely correct, there ARE some resorts and businesses that are changing both their businesses and their marketing to promote what Mille Lacs has. And yes, not all resorts and area businesses rant and complain.

    My point is that some of the resorts and other businesses who are the most vocal about who they see as being to blame for the decline of their businesses seem to also to be doing very little to promote or market their businesses and what ML does have. Some are even doubling down and dragging their political views onto their business website, which I would never advise a client to do.

    Sorry, but I’m calling BS on the real name thing. This was just a blatant diversion attempt by one member to try to invalidate a message that he doesn’t like. Don’t like the message? Just do a “look over there” diversion by bringing up this name thing. To me, it’s just an obvious sign that the message landed a little too close to the truth for his comfort.


    . X2 on your last paragraph Grouse. Truth hurts but to run and hide and say I’m done with the site and anyone who doesn’t have there real name is just childish.

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    What are they suppose to promote? Catch n’ release walleye? Smallmouth bass? Muskie? C’mon man…Reality of this lake is that in it’s healthiest of times it was all due to one thing: The almighty Walleye! Build a lake that allows folks to keep a fish or two and the people will come. You want proof? Look at the last couple years! Are you listening DNR? Ya Ya I know…More finger pointing and name calling but the truth is none of anyone’s cute little fishing reports and cuddly on-line marketing ideas will work until the lake is deemed safe to harvest walleye. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Walleye rules baby! RR

    Well, roosterrouster (if that is your real name) what are they supposed to do, close the doors and wait for a walleye harvest? I agree that there will probably never be enough interest in the other species to support all of the resorts without walleye but I don’t think waiting around for walleye is a very good business strategy.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>roosterrouster wrote:</div>
    What are they suppose to promote? Catch n’ release walleye? Smallmouth bass? Muskie? C’mon man…Reality of this lake is that in it’s healthiest of times it was all due to one thing: The almighty Walleye! Build a lake that allows folks to keep a fish or two and the people will come. You want proof? Look at the last couple years! Are you listening DNR? Ya Ya I know…More finger pointing and name calling but the truth is none of anyone’s cute little fishing reports and cuddly on-line marketing ideas will work until the lake is deemed safe to harvest walleye. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Walleye rules baby! RR

    Well, roosterrouster (if that is your real name) what are they supposed to do, close the doors and wait for a <em class=”ido-tag-em”>walleye harvest? I agree that there will probably never be enough interest in the other species to support all of the resorts without walleye but I don’t think waiting around for walleye is a very good business strategy.

    Well Mr derek (if that’s your real name tongue …) Shoot out some cute little bass n muskie ideas that might get seats in the bar stools for all these resorts. Go…….

    Didn’t think so. Driven’ around the lake lately? It’s an unhealthy situation to say the least. We’ve basically had a Northern/Bass/Musky lake for how many years now? And you think some cute marketing campaign is going to be the quick fix? Laughable…RR

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    “And you think some cute marketing campaign is going to be the quick fix? Laughable…RR”

    It sounds to me that maybe some guys need to realize that perhaps there isn’t a fix here. There is no going back to the way things were. You are all looking for a solution to make the resorts go back to the business they were getting, but maybe you need to accept that this is not going to happen. At that point, you can move on and start getting creative about how to build and sustain what business is available to you now rather than focus on what can be done to turn back the clock to 5-10 years ago. Just an observation.

    Again, adapt or die.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    My point exactly Crappie…The lake is dying because there is no golden marketing fix. Not happening! Impossible! Who’s to blame? Three letters for ya’…

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Well as I said I don’t know a lot about that situation and wont pretend to have any idea who is to blame or what needs to be done going forward but I guess my point was things have changed and the resort owners need to accept that and change with it rather than get hung up on whos to blame and all that. They may not be as wealthy and successful as when “walleye was king” but there is still business to be had up there and I suspect there will be for quite some time.

    Speaking as someone who is your average metro area fisherman who frequents Mille Lacs only a few times a year I can say all of the changes haven’t impacted my enjoyment of the lake. I had a great time catching walleye and it didn’t bother me that I had to release them. I didn’t have a problem going up for a day trip. I didn’t object to fishing for walleye even though it was catch and release only. I didn’t have an issue spending money on bait at the local shop and I didn’t mind paying for the cheeseburger and beer I got at days end at the local restaurant. Honestly, the biggest problem I have with the investment is the gas it takes to pull the boat up there and back. Now maybe that kind of fisherman doesn’t account for a good chunk of the business that was generated up there idk but the point im trying to make is that guys like me are still out there and we still intend on going up to Mille Lacs to fish walleye and other species. Hell, Ive had more friends talk excitedly about the smallmouth opportunities on that lake this year than ive had anyone talk to me about smallmouth fishing ever!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12265

    y point exactly Crappie…The lake is dying because there is no golden marketing fix. Not happening! Impossible! Who’s to blame? Three letters for ya’…

    You can’t run a business on blame, that’s the point.

    All businesses are impacted by outside factors. This is not something that only exists on the shores of Mille Lacs. If they want to survive, they’re going to need to evolve. Doesn’t matter if they like lemons, that’s what they’ve got, so IMO they’d better learn how to make lemonade with them.

    Unless I had the resort version of a wheelhouse and could pick up my whole operation and move it, if I owned a resort on Mille Lacs, I’d be learning to love smallmouth and muskie fishing. The idea that nobody will pay money for C&R fishing is bunk. Ever been to any of the top steelhead or Atlantic salmon destinations? The best fishing is almost always C&R-only and that stops absolutely no one from paying $$$$ to pursue them.

    I agree, there’s no quick fix, marketing or otherwise. But then again, there’s no quick fix for the walleye population either. At least marketing is in their control, but it’s a lot more work than sitting on a bar stool talking into a camera about who’s to blame.


    Posts: 1552

    There are other options to keep afloat until the walleyes rebound, if they do. I see that McQuoid’s website is promoting the great ATV trails in the area like Red Top and Soo Line. I also see they are renting snowmobiles and promoting the great snowmobile trails in the area. That’s some out of the box marketing ideas that are separating some resorts from others. Will these ideas keep resorts afloat by themselves, probably not but if you can come up with enough out of the box ideas it just may keep them going until things turn around.

    I’m sure a few posters and resort owners will bark that things will never change and it’s all doom and gloom. It’s all about marketing your area and if their business is moving in a different direction then you have to adapt as others have mentioned. I think Grouse pretty much nailed it on the head and some people just don’t want to listen or adapt. Will this work for all resort owners and businesses around the lake, probably not but the successful ones will adapt and remarket their business.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Grouse, It’s been about bass/muskie/northern for how many years? It ain’t working! Hint: People are not saving the lake by fishing for these 3 species of fish. No one wants to fish them! Get off the “when your givin’ lemons make lemonade…”. Those species are not going to bring boats to the water like the walleye can. I say the resorts should keep bitchin’ and not give in to what the big bad DNR is doing. Keep raising your voice and make this thing the walleye factory that it can (and has in the past…) be and the boats will return. There is no other way of saving the resorts on that lake…RR

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    Take a look at Hunter’s Point website or Facebook page. In the last month they have hosted an ATV ride, golf tournament, and game farm hunt. In a couple weeks they are having a conceal and carry class.

    I do agree that resorts could do a better job of giving updated fishing reports. Most resorts have a social media presence and it would take minutes to write a report.

    Posts: 5126

    Grouse, It’s been about bass/muskie/northern for how many years? It ain’t working! Hint: People are not saving the lake by fishing for these 3 species of fish. No one wants to fish them! Get off the “when your givin’ lemons make lemonade…”. Those species are not going to bring boats to the water like the walleye can. I say the resorts should keep bitchin’ and not give in to what the big bad DNR is doing. Keep raising your voice and make this thing the walleye factory that it can (and has in the past…) be and the boats will return. There is no other way of saving the resorts on that lake…RR

    Actually they do. If it weren’t for the “you’re in MN, you must fish for walleye” or “I have to eat everything I catch” mentality, that lake would be thriving.

    If ML were located about 500 miles south you couldn’t keep people away from it.

    Posts: 7348

    f ML were located about 500 miles south you couldn’t keep people away from it.

    mind blown

    Posts: 5126

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Munchy wrote:</div>
    f ML were located about 500 miles south you couldn’t keep people away from it.

    mind blown


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    Good one Nick – If that is your real name.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If you kids don’t get off my lawn I’m calling the cops!

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    You Minnesota people are so bi polar! toast

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    If you kids don’t get off my lawn I’m calling the cops!

    LOLOLOL. Run on jokes on this site are funny

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You Minnesota people are so bi polar! toast

    More like you Yanks are bipolar.

    Posts: 1671

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Munchy wrote:</div>
    f ML were located about 500 miles south you couldn’t keep people away from it.

    mind blown

    jester that’s almost as funny as the “lets get it on” gif last week.

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mr. Derek wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>roosterrouster wrote:</div>
    What are they suppose to promote? Catch n’ release walleye? Smallmouth bass? Muskie? C’mon man…Reality of this lake is that in it’s healthiest of times it was all due to one thing: The almighty Walleye! Build a lake that allows folks to keep a fish or two and the people will come. You want proof? Look at the last couple years! Are you listening DNR? Ya Ya I know…More finger pointing and name calling but the truth is none of anyone’s cute little fishing reports and cuddly on-line marketing ideas will work until the lake is deemed safe to harvest walleye. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Walleye rules baby! RR

    Well, roosterrouster (if that is your real name) what are they supposed to do, close the doors and wait for a <em class=”ido-tag-em”>walleye harvest? I agree that there will probably never be enough interest in the other species to support all of the resorts without walleye but I don’t think waiting around for walleye is a very good business strategy.

    Well Mr derek (if that’s your real name tongue …) Shoot out some cute little bass n muskie ideas that might get seats in the bar stools for all these resorts. Go…….

    Didn’t think so. Driven’ around the lake lately? It’s an unhealthy situation to say the least. We’ve basically had a Northern/Bass/Musky lake for how many years now? And you think some cute marketing campaign is going to be the quick fix? Laughable…RR

    Who are you Tim Kaine? You asked a questing, didn’t even allow me to answer, and then went on about how I had no response. That was all in the same post.

    This is my cute little idea- if you own a business make sure your Google business profile is up to date and fill out everything. This is the first thing most people will see about your business, and it’s free to do. Second- get some reviews. Third- if you receive a bad review that can removed, have it removed, do not reply with a two page f u to whomever wrote it. For more ideas hire a freelance advertising consultant, good ideas are rarely free.

    Posts: 12936

    Too funny..

    1. tumblr_m3birzYy0n1r8kfm2o1_500.gif

    Posts: 2218

    I read all of this and I Got this out of it.

    One time at Band Camp…

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Well as I said I don’t know a lot about that situation and wont pretend to have any idea who is to blame or what needs to be done going forward but I guess my point was things have changed and the resort owners need to accept that and change with it rather than get hung up on whos to blame and all that. They may not be as wealthy and successful as when “walleye was king” but there is still business to be had up there and I suspect there will be for quite some time.

    Speaking as someone who is your average metro area fisherman who frequents Mille Lacs only a few times a year I can say all of the changes haven’t impacted my enjoyment of the lake. I had a great time catching walleye and it didn’t bother me that I had to release them. I didn’t have a problem going up for a day trip. I didn’t object to fishing for walleye even though it was catch and release only. I didn’t have an issue spending money on bait at the local shop and I didn’t mind paying for the cheeseburger and beer I got at days end at the local restaurant. Honestly, the biggest problem I have with the investment is the gas it takes to pull the boat up there and back. Now maybe that kind of fisherman doesn’t account for a good chunk of the business that was generated up there idk but the point im trying to make is that guys like me are still out there and we still intend on going up to Mille Lacs to fish walleye and other species. Hell, Ive had more friends talk excitedly about the smallmouth opportunities on that lake this year than ive had anyone talk to me about smallmouth fishing ever!

    Crappie, I can appreciate where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to say but I think what’s being overlooked here is the launch operations. This is what has probably taken the biggest financial hit. At last count I think there were at least 20 launch providers around the lake, most with more than one boat. Both resorts and those that just provide launch charters and perhaps ice house rentals. I think if you consider that, you might understand it’s not just cabins, bait and beer.
    Anyway, Mille Lacs will forever be under the dark storm clouds…

    1. WP_20160726_18_54_43_Pro.jpg

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