An FYI for Mille Lacs resort owners

  • chubby
    Posts: 244

    I am thinking about going up to Mille Lacs for a couple of days and googled Mille Lacs fishing reports. Lots of reports from last winter May, June, and July but the only current one is from Lundeens which says things are the same as last weeks report.

    We are looking at chasing smallmouth and perch and you would think that the resorts would at least be able to spend a couple minutes a week to provide a minimal amount of info to help point someone in the right direction.

    The next time you are concerned about a lack of business you may want to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have done even simplest of things to help drive traffic to your business

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Rocky reef has a report too.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17438

    Which resort do you launch from?

    Posts: 244

    I just looked at Rocky Reefs report and he was to busy bitching about the casino and the DNR to actually post anything about the fishing.

    We will stay anywhere on the lake depending on the bite and season (Isle this time) and will find fish.

    I am just amazed that there an almost complete lack of any type of fishing report by any of the many resorts around the lake.

    Posts: 5139

    Haha! Yeah, Rockman’s a little bitter….

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Haha! Yeah, Rockman’s a little bitter….

    Yeah. I don’t really read it for the Fishing report. rotflol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Well I’ll get a bowl of popcorn and pull up a chair. In the past, ANY suggestion that the Mille Lacs resort owners had ANYTHING to do with any perceived or real decline in their own business were shouted down with howls of DNR mismanagement and Indian netting. Whatever the problem, those are the causes.

    It is especially interesting to me that those resort owners who are the most willing to stick their face in front of every camera and shout red-faced about all this mismanagement ruining their business are doing absolutely nothing on their websites to try to springboard off of the massive publicity of the recent bass tournament activity on the lake. Talk about a marketing opportunity squandered. I guess whatever the business problem, the solution is to blame it on the DNR and Indians and sit back and wait.


    Posts: 0

    Grouse, again, you put it perfectly. World class small mouth & Muskie, but all you hear is the walleye whine. Plus, didn’t the band sponsor the tournament in the first place??

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17438

    People can say what they want. I have never in 30 years witnessed the amount of Bass boats going up & down Hwy 169 to Mille Lacs. Bass & Muskie are the targets.

    Posts: 3408

    I am sure there are a record number of boats targeting bass this year, but I would guess the on water hours with bass/muskie vs walleye hours are minimal. One would think that resorts would at least try to cater to alternative potential customers.

    Posts: 255

    Thomas Edison said that sometimes opportunity is hard to recognize because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
    WORLD CLASS BASS. WORLD CLASS MUSKIES. LOWER 48-CLASS PIKE. RED-HOT CATCH and RELEASE WALLEYE TROPHIES. I agree with Chubby. I’m not saying the situation is ideal, but my 10th grade biology teacher told us that organisms have three choices always: adapt, migrate, or die. IF it were me, I’d choose number one.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    All I can say is all you resort/fishing marketing geniuses should be lined up to buy into the Lake Mille Lacs tourism industry. Obviously, it would be a GREAT investment–easy money!! Banks will line up to finance you….LOL

    Yep…this posting so fitting ( from a “fire watcher”) “I am sure there are a record number of boats targeting bass this year, but I would guess the on water hours with bass/muskie vs. walleye hours are minimal. One would think that resorts would at least try to cater to alternative potential customers.”–being the Bass and Muskie thing has been kept a secret all these years by all the stupid/lazy Lake Mille Lacs resorts and guides.

    Yep…kick’em when they’re down. GENIUS! In fact, call them and tell them that directly!! Or hide behind some phony name on the internet…instead of calling or asking them directly for an honest fishing report? LOL Amazing–GENIUS in fact!!

    “Chubby” LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Kick them while their down? Sugestions are a hand up not hand outs for these businesses. Ya know, my line business has taken a bit of drop in income affecting my personal and business income and yes the government choices has been apart of the decline. Guess what, I expanded to another market that needs the same service. Things are on the rise for me.

    I wonder how many of these resort owners even traveled to the Capital to even hash things out? Are they looking for someone else to do the work for them if they have not?

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    All I can say is all you resort/fishing marketing geniuses should be lined up to buy into the Lake Mille Lacs tourism industry. Obviously, it would be a GREAT investment–easy money!! Banks will line up to finance you….LOL

    all you resort/fishing marketing geniuses
    … also known as potential paying customers.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It was well over ten years ago when a very well known fishing guide suggested to a resort owner that they start promoting the excellent bass fishing of the lake.

    It would help fill left over walleye angler cabins. Bass and Muskie money just isn’t any good.

    It seems that Mille Lacs is destine to be a walleye lake and walleye only.
    ‘course I know people come from all over to fish the famed walleye.

    It’s such a shame.

    Brian Klawitter

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Which resort do you launch from?

    Good question….but “public access” ( not paying a resort) is not the right answer when asking for a “resort” fishing/help report–thus no answer.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Which resort do you launch from?

    Good question….but “public access” ( not paying a resort) is not the right answer when asking for a “resort” fishing/help report–thus no answer.

    Reading thru this thread, I see no response of using a “public access”. The OP indicates that he is coming up for a couple of days, and is flexible as to where he stays.



    Posting a fishing report on here is not free. If you do post one with a business page attached it will be deleted immediately if you are not a member. If you want to be a member it is between 1.5K-2K to advertise. May be a good option for some if you have the dough. I have seen reports on Facebook pages, or simply give them a call.
    The reason you may not be seeing bass/musky advertising is because it is not directed to you. Many of it may be going to other parts of the Midwest via online.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Look–I will respond only ONE more time here–then I am DONE with this and every other site that “users” hide behind phony names–PERIOD!!–DONE!!!:

    1. In this day of multi media/social media, are you really that dependent on a fishing report from a resort? IDO Mille Lacs page isn’t enough of a place to ask or a simple call to a resort to find out?

    2. Resort fishing reports?–the resort reports come from people who fish–NOT the resort owners/managers who don’t go on the water much if any at all. Do you know in the past few weeks how many anglers have been coming through resorts and stopping to report their catches and details etc.? Almost ZERO!!!!!! (public accesses are full) But you expect an up to date DETAILED report from the resorts?

    3. Lake Mille Lacs can NOT be a bass lake and walleye lake at the highest level at the same time. It can not work. Simple biology proves that….as biologists have PREACHED for the 50 plus years I have been on the lake to NOT do any thing to help the bass numbers improve–IF you want the walleye numbers to hold up.

    4. No matter how much any resort or the like promotes the bass thing, in the Upper Midwest, there is no way to change a walleye fishing culture at Lake Mille Lacs much bigger than it is or has been in a short time to help save their businesses. The muskie thing is NOT a big deal at Lake Mille Lacs anymore as it was 10 years ago or more. If it was, the boats would still be out in rafts as they used to be-thus you can not market a fish that is almost impossible to find these days.

    5. Before you blame anyone from up here for anything…know the FACTS and know the reality of being in the resort business in this “political” climate etc. Hind sight is always 20/20. It simply is NOT what you think it is or could be…or should have been.

    Now– I am DONE with all you nameless gutless posters…..NEVER again. Like on most sites over the years …good ( expert) people quit posting since all they got back was to get ripped or at the very least–disrespected. My name is now added to the list of the people that got smart and stopped helping the nameless “users”.

    “John23”??? “obnoxious” enough for you?? LOL No worry “john23’s of the word” –this “obnoxious” poster will never be heard from on here again.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    That’s a great point addressing the op Steve.

    Personally though, I usually use the public accesses during the open water season. There isn’t much the resorts offer me that the public access doesn’t.

    Unfortunately, I’m not sure if the resorts can count on guilt money to keep them in business. Mille Lacs is just too close to the cities to have that many overnighters. I’m sure winter profits is the only thing that keeps them open.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Thomas Edison said that sometimes opportunity is hard to recognize because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
    WORLD CLASS BASS. WORLD CLASS MUSKIES. LOWER 48-CLASS PIKE. RED-HOT CATCH and RELEASE <em class=”ido-tag-em”>WALLEYE TROPHIES. I agree with Chubby. I’m not saying the situation is ideal, but my 10th grade biology teacher told us that organisms have three choices always: adapt, migrate, or die. IF it were me, I’d choose number one.

    Just to comment on your #1 choice…adapt.
    For what it’s worth many have in fact attempted. When the walleye tanked a few years ago they formed a marketing consortium…”Mille Lacs Tourism Council”. A collection of area business representatives and “professional marketing geniuses”. The have been advising resorts to deemphasize fishing! An example, Fisherman’s Wharf is longer using that name. They are now called just the “Wharf”. Check it out on their website. Their weekly event updates promote many other happenings that are not fishing.
    Last summer while visiting Red Door resort, I was talking to the owner and they were changing around the resort layout to add an event center. Other area resorts are also going the direction of hosting events that may not be fishing related.
    Just my 2 pennies worth.

    Posts: 749

    Sadly the lake would be empty if it weren’t for the bass and musky guys out there. They were fishing in force last weekend. With the calm weather I took a boat ride up the east side and back, mainly to go exploring. I counted 18 boats on one reef alone. Every reef and rocky point had a flotilla of boats on it.
    I couldn’t tell you how the fishing was but the pressure certainly was there.

    On the other topic, I read the Rocky reef rant too. I didn’t think it was that bad. Haha. He certainly has a dog in this fight and he is right that the DNR has made a mess of things. It’s not exactly simple to move a resort to another lake or area as suggested. Marketing could be better though.

    He may have been a bit misguided to think that a pro would stop in for a beer and a burger. The tourney took off at sunrise each morning. I’d guess they were up and going by 4:30 or 5am each day. Doubtful they would have much time to spend at an off location bar in the evening knowing that they were up so early for work. That said, I heard a pro stayed in Stocky’s Harbor, right next door to the Rocky Reef. They weren’t all staying at the Casino. Some were spread around the lake at different resorts. At the final day of the weigh in many made sure to put in a good word for their lodging.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    What if Mille Lacs internet conversations were filled with intelligent solution minded information versus the hate and disgust over what has not, and presumably won’t, work in the past or future for walleye management?

    Times are always changing. If you cannot change, adapt and be a part of designing the future, good luck to you and the miserable SOB’s I’ll bet you surround yourself with… or have you driven yourself to seclusion? Hmmm, wonder why?

    Mille Lacs biggest opportunity and possible enemy is that closely located metropolis 1.5 hours south. That population could make you very wealthy or be the cause of your demise. How do you see “them?” Citidiots? Good luck finding a way to make”their” money become your money…

    Once again, I’m drawn into the Mille Lacs drama to only be let down once again. Name calling? Really? Seems so childish and counterproductive.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Now– I am DONE with all you nameless gutless posters…..NEVER again.

    Breath being held until racist gill netting season.

    Businesses live and die every day. Mille Lacs is the iron range of today.

    Posts: 4941

    The days of useful information on this website have passed,real information is kept silent. Thanks go out to those who originally promoted the concept of helping others catch more fish. The information you receive on here now is on the outer edges of information, mostly geared towards selling product.

    When the Moderators,Operator/Owners,Guides,and Sponsors formed their own private group, information sharing on fishing news shifted to promoting product.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Personally have had positive and negative experiences up there. Have went out of the same resort a couple times ice fishing and they were always helpful and courteous ( appreciative you were there), and helpful when suggesting where to fish. Have also been to a bait shop when asking where they were biting was told Red lake in a condescending tone. Followed by him being seriously pissed off about filling a propane tank when it was really cold out. Yet I’ve seen his name and place featured constantly when complaining about the dnr and the lake mgmt.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12507

    Nothing like some good in-fighting among anglers to start the week! To the OP, there are literally hundreds of recent fishing reports on forums (like IDO), as well as Guides and Resorts on Social Media. If you are looking for info, there is more out there than ever.

    Steve thanks for your informative posts over the years.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17438

    I get Steves passion. His family has been on the lake longer then most here have been alive. It must be hard seeing that go right down the drain.

    This supposition that Bass or Muskie will be as good for the resorts and shops around the lake I don’t get. This winter you will read lots of people crying about buying a $10 road pass to access the road system. A road system built and maintained by the resorts. So why does anybody think these Bass & Muskie guys are spending money launching on the lake? Bass guys all have their own tackle. They aren’t for the most part stopping and buying tackle.Same for the Muskie guys. If a bait is hot whats the chance a local shop or resort carries that? Almost zero. Those guys are hitting Thorne Brothers on the way outa town. As mentioned the metro is only at most 1 1/2 hours away. So how many guys are getting overnight lodging for that? Food? Junk food to eat on the water and Dairy Queen on the way home.

    The extra or new dollars you guys are talking about is the out of state crowd. Missouri, Texas, Tennessee the guys who will drive for smallmouth action no matter where in the country it is. Yes those dollars will come. But when and how many? My question will then be how many of you guys will cry about the overcrowding of “YOUR” lake? It seems it’s OK to rant about “your” lake when you fish a body of water a few times a year. It’s something different when a resident or business owner who has a vested interest pours their soul into it.

    The same people who view Steve and the others in this crowd like to label them as people who only care about their business and livelihoods. The guys who are ripping them apart (and now me) should take a look in the mirror and ask yourself a couple of questions….

    1) What have I personally done or spent to help the situation.
    2) What would I say if a factory moved into my neighborhood and threatened to destroy all I have & love.

    This issue isn’t as easy as switching advertising.

    Continue. coffee

    Posts: 7348

    When hasn’t government made any business tougher to make money?

    New permits, new fees, new regulations, standards, lending regs, tax laws, etc etc. Writing has been on the wall for walleyes on Mille Lacs for decades, wish that was the case for alot of the other crap the government dumps on other businesses at a moment’s notice.

    Such a great resource so close to the cities, it should be one of the most lucrative areas in the state no matter what species it has to offer.

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