For the last several years Ma and I have made a run to the St. Charles area to shop the Amish greenhouses. We drove over today and didn’t come home disappointed I got my usual 20 tomato plants even if I swore I’d only get a dozen. With my 4 pack of bell peppers I spent $9.00 for plants every bit 12″ tall with real nice solid stalks, nothing leggy about any of them. Ma really did well on her bedding flowers. In the 8 stops we made we ran into a few others from Rochester shopping there.
There is one stop that always has fresh baked goodies for sale. Today I got 1/2 of an angle food cake for $2.00 that Carole and I tore chunks off from to snack on while driving between stops. I bought a huge loaf of bread for a buck and a half. Last year I lucked into a loaf of wheat bread that was so far out of sight good it did not last the trip home….no butter or anything, we just chowed it.
Most all of these places and homes have gas engine driven well pumps but the horse and buggy and no electricity stuff can boggle the mind. These people can sure bake some outstanding breads and cakes along with an uncanny ability to grow things. If anyone is looking for a fun day with the kids, drive down to the Amish greenhouses and snoop around. Real interesting people.