Fort Atkinson’s American Legion Post 166 will be hosting their 3rd Annual multi-species Fishing Derby on June 4th. Fishing hours are from 5am-1pm. Weigh-in terminates at 1pm. This year Adam Walton of Pike Pole Fishing Guide Service will give a couple of presentations to the attendees. Residents and nonresidents are welcome! The hours of the event are 5:00am to 4:00pm at the Fort Atkinson Legion Post 166 Dugout at 201 S. Water St. W. in Fort Atkinson and is open to both kids and adults. Open fishing waters range from the Jefferson Dam to the Indianford Dam including Lake Koshkonong. This year we added the Bark River from the mouth of the Rock River to the upper portion of Burnt Village on Co Rd N. The entry fee for the Derby will be: Kids under 16-Free! The entry fee for Adults will be $15.00. Early registration is highly encouraged by May 23rd in order to assist the derby committee with planning for the event. You may pre-register at the Legion Dugout at 210 S. Water St E. Fort Atkinson or at TPF Outdoors 102 Sherman Avenue West. You may also register at the Legion Post 166 Dugout on the day of the Fishing Derby starting at 5:00am. The fish categories are: 1)Walleye/Sauger 2) Northern/Muskie 3) Smallmouth/Largemouth Bass 4)Catfish and 5)Rough fish. 1st and 2nd place will be determined by 1 fish by weight in each category. Tiebreakers will be determined by fish length. Children under 16 will also have an additional “Panfish” category. Each participant may register in only one fish category: one fish of any species. The following are the prizes in each category: Kids 1st place $50.00 with 2nd being $25.00 For the Adults it will be 1st place $100.00 with 2nd being $50.00. All Wisconsin Fishing regulations apply for this Fishing Derby. This is also Wisconsin’s Free Fishing Weekend so a fishing license is not required. Breakfast items(wraps, juice, coffee, etc) will be available for purchase at the Legion starting at 5am. A FREE Barbecue lunch starts at 1pm for registered participants. Non-participants can purchase lunch for $5. Bucket raffles and silent auctions are open to all. Winners must be present. Event prizes, raffle, and guest speaker start at 2pm. The proceeds for this event go to the following organizations: Bark River Fish Hatchery, Friends of Haumerson’s Pond(fish stocking), Boys and Girls Club of Fort Atkinson, Boy & Girl Scouts of Fort Atkinson, and an American Legion Post 166 Conservation Scholarship. Our goals are to teach our younger anglers the importance of good stewardship and sportsmanship while they enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow anglers and like-minded participants. For more Information please contact Dan Juday (920)747-0691 Email: [email protected], Don Krebs (608)548-4448 Email: [email protected], or TPF Outdoors (920)397-2658

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