Several years ago I shot a rooster that went down in the middle of the swamp and I couldnt find it. Water was nearly waist deep and I had a young dog. Continued hunting, flushed another rooster shot it and walked back to the truck. Regardless of me taking the first rooster home or not, I considered myself limited out. Its just me, but that seems like the ethical thing to do.
Small game is quite different than big game or a turkey. With big game, the season bag limit is usually one unless you have a bonus tag, and its a concrete one with bucks, bear, and turkeys. With small game, he can legally and ethically go hunting again as many days he wants to as long as the season is open and he’s abiding by the possession limit. With turkeys, the season limit is one. That’s the root of the problem here. I don’t think he would be complaining if he had lost a rooster.
What you describe is different that the situation that the OP is experiencing. You were not able to visually recover that rooster whereas this guy did visually find his turkey. I do quite a bit of pheasant hunting in the fall and if I do not recover a cripple, it is not counted in my bag limit. I know the rule applies for waterfowl, but I am not sure about roosters. Just as a side note, I did not lose a single crippled rooster last fall. I folded up 17 and found all of them. Usually I lose a cripple or two every season though.