Am I a bad guy here?

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Was that 870 a Wingmaster?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    I dont want to do that. If she texts me again I will just tell her the next time you text me it better be a nude!

    Now that’s funny.

    Posts: 1822

    Was that 870 a Wingmaster?

    That’d be a good deal on a Wingmaster. Even just a normal 870 with the ammo it’s a good deal. Seems like people want to just show pictures of dead people and hope it gets them something free. Pretty sure the nudes would go further with me. Even then it better be a nude person holding the money they are promptly about to bring me.

    Posts: 24658

    Was that 870 a Wingmaster?

    Yes, 870 Wingmaster lightweight magnum. Very nice gun. My first real shotgun. None of my kids ever shot it and now they have 12 gauges. I shot a lot of ducks, pheasants, geese and grouse with that thing! I didnt get a 12 gauge until I was 18.

    Posts: 9227

    Lotta drama for basically giving a very nice shotgun away

    1. Screenshot-2023-10-23-151155.jpg

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    Agree with the others. Nothing to feel bad about. The ball was in the ladies’ court and she failed to communicate with you. If she really wanted it, she wouldn’t have been so flaky.

    Posts: 24658

    Lotta drama for basically giving a very nice shotgun away

    Yeah I was giving it away basically but it wasnt in perfect shape either. I was upfront with her and told her that if she wanted it perfect it would need to be reblued which it wasnt really that bad at all. Just a few minor spots. I wasnt sure what to charge. Checked gunbroker and it seemed going rate was in the $300 range so thought this was a fair deal. I dont need the money. They also were getting like $75 in shells thrown in.

    Posts: 334

    Nope, your not a bad guy. Gave her a fair chance and she let it go. Other guy’s probably more appreciative of deal than she ever would have been.

    Posts: 24658

    Other guy’s probably more appreciative of deal than she ever would have been.

    I know and I consider this guy a friend. She is someone I will never cross paths with again.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17381

    Years ago they had this weird thing called a telephone. There were no misunderstandings, questions got asked and answered in real time. Texting is just being lazy in my opinion.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    CM you did nothing wrong. This is her failure not yours.

    Posts: 2853

    I would say all good on your part Musky.I can’t say the word on here but she may be one of those that rymes with punt.

    Posts: 4802

    Years ago they had this weird thing called a telephone. There were no misunderstandings, questions got asked and answered in real time. Texting is just being lazy in my opinion.

    Yea and back then people just said they would call you back and never would

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    Was that 870 a Wingmaster?

    Yes, 870 Wingmaster lightweight magnum. Very nice gun. My first real shotgun. None of my kids ever shot it and now they have 12 gauges. I shot a lot of ducks, pheasants, geese and grouse with that thing! I didnt get a 12 gauge until I was 18.

    Well that changes my response somewhat. You should send her more pics of the gun and rub it in!

    Posts: 1805

    Jeez, few summers back I lost out on so many boats, but I never thought to try the crying kid card.

    Lack of communication sucks. Works both ways with sellers and buyers. We had a creepy guy borderline harassing my wife for giving away a piece of furniture he thought was promised to him after he went silent for several days.

    One boat seller, we made firm plans to do the deal on a Sunday morning. Talked on Saturday, I was ready to go but he told me he was busy. I asked him how early I could come Sunday? Made the plans, got a pile of cash from the bank. Sunday morning I’m waiting for him to confirm his address for me, messaging him to see what’s up. Crickets. 11pm he messages me “sorry sold.”

    Posts: 3319

    Telling someone “I’ll think about it and get back to you” doesn’t give you a week to think about it.

    Posts: 24658

    Dirtywater that is shady AF if you ask me on the boat deal. You guys worked out a deal with when you would complete the sale and then he sold it out from under you. I wouldnt do that. This chick ghosted me and Im certainly not going to pester a potential buyer they should go out of their way to let me know if something comes up that affects what the plan was and she failed to communicate. After talking around with a few locals it sounds like she is a real B word and the couple that I was worried about feeling awkward around because its her aunt and uncle dont even like her LOL.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    After talking around with a few locals it sounds like she is a real B word and the couple that I was worried about feeling awkward around because its her aunt and uncle dont even like her LOL.

    Sounds about right!

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    That is one deluded lady ! You snooze you lose , no need to feel bad about that . Obviously something wrong with the women to respond in that manner .

    Posts: 3319

    I have a Wingmaster 12 gauge and would like a 20 to match it.
    I’m ticked flame off Captain I didn’t get a chance to buy it. whistling

    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 24658

    I have a Wingmaster 12 gauge and would like a 20 to match it.
    I’m ticked

    you wouldn’t want it I couldn’t hit crap with it anyway lol

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