A couple weeks ago I was at the local bar and I hear these two regulars talking to some lady with her young son and the older gentleman said you should get him an 870 20 gauge. Knowing this couple I said, hey I have an 870 20 gauge that I would sell. She comes over and gives me her number. It slipped my mind for a few days and I finally got around to texting her like 3 days later with pics and price. I was giving the gun, 7 boxes of shells, 2 choke tubes, the wrench, etc for $200. She texted me back and said she would text me Wednesday. Wednesday passes no text. Thursday passes no text. When I told a buddy of mine that I was selling it he said he would give me more money and I said no, but I said she hasnt texted me when she said she would but if I dont hear from her by Saturday its yours. No text comes so I texted him and told him its his. So I bring it to his house and he tells me the reason he wanted it was because he had the exact gun back in the day but it was stolen and really was sentimental to him. He also showed me a picture of his dying buddy who he is taking care of at in home hospice in his own home and since my mom passed away from cancer a year ago at in home hospice I broke down because that really hit me.
Anyways I felt good about it because knowing it was going to a great man. Flash forward to yesterday. I get a text at 10:30 from the gal asking “does today work”? I told her I was sorry but I sold it yesterday because I thought she moved on since she didnt text me when she said she would.
This morning she was blowing up my phone sending me obituary pictures of someone that had services Wednesday and that is where they were followed by combine pictures of them combined the following 3 days and then a picture of her crying son when he found out I sold it.
Am I in the wrong here? I feel like talking to the guy I sold it to and see if I can get it back. He’s retired so I doubt he will use it much it was more of a sentimental thing, but he does have grandkids.

Posts: 24606
October 23, 2023 at 9:46 am