Am I a bad guy here?

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24606

    A couple weeks ago I was at the local bar and I hear these two regulars talking to some lady with her young son and the older gentleman said you should get him an 870 20 gauge. Knowing this couple I said, hey I have an 870 20 gauge that I would sell. She comes over and gives me her number. It slipped my mind for a few days and I finally got around to texting her like 3 days later with pics and price. I was giving the gun, 7 boxes of shells, 2 choke tubes, the wrench, etc for $200. She texted me back and said she would text me Wednesday. Wednesday passes no text. Thursday passes no text. When I told a buddy of mine that I was selling it he said he would give me more money and I said no, but I said she hasnt texted me when she said she would but if I dont hear from her by Saturday its yours. No text comes so I texted him and told him its his. So I bring it to his house and he tells me the reason he wanted it was because he had the exact gun back in the day but it was stolen and really was sentimental to him. He also showed me a picture of his dying buddy who he is taking care of at in home hospice in his own home and since my mom passed away from cancer a year ago at in home hospice I broke down because that really hit me.
    Anyways I felt good about it because knowing it was going to a great man. Flash forward to yesterday. I get a text at 10:30 from the gal asking “does today work”? I told her I was sorry but I sold it yesterday because I thought she moved on since she didnt text me when she said she would.
    This morning she was blowing up my phone sending me obituary pictures of someone that had services Wednesday and that is where they were followed by combine pictures of them combined the following 3 days and then a picture of her crying son when he found out I sold it.
    Am I in the wrong here? I feel like talking to the guy I sold it to and see if I can get it back. He’s retired so I doubt he will use it much it was more of a sentimental thing, but he does have grandkids.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Guns sold. poop happens, move on. There’s plenty of other guns for him on the market.
    To take a pic of your crying son and send it as a feel bad for him is kinda messed up.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    No. You are fine. People are responsible for their own actions. She went back on her word and it cost her and her son. DONT request it back from your buddy.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I would not say your bad guy. I may have made one last post to the original person and Said ” If I don’t here back from you by such date, I’m going to move and and assume you are no longer interested. I’m not saying that is what you should have done, Just saying that is probably what I would have done.

    Posts: 24606

    Thanks guys that makes me feel a little less bad.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    The good news is she’s a stranger and outa your life. Block her number.
    Besides, crying kid doesn’t sound mature enough for a gun.

    Posts: 24606

    I would not say your bad guy. I may have made one last post to the original person and Said ” If I don’t here back from you by such date, I’m going to move and and assume you are no longer interested. I’m not saying that is what you should have done, Just saying that is probably what I would have done.

    She texted me that this morning saying that I should have checked in with her, but I told her that I wasnt going to hound someone who was interested in buying something I was selling. Now if I was in her shoes I would have told me earlier in the week that they had a lot of stuff on their plate, but I was still interested. If she had done that I wouldnt have sold it to my buddy.

    Posts: 24606

    The good news is she’s a stranger and outa your life. Block her number.

    Yeah, she sorta is, but I found out that the couple she was talking to were her aunt and uncle and I see those two all the time so its going to be awkward.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I’d say you’re good man. How many people have been told that someone could get back to them and it never…happens…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    No, you’re not the bad guy. You had a gun for sale. She did not communicate one way or the other that she wanted to buy it. You offered, she didn’t commit, you moved on to the next buyer.

    I strongly suspect that she is making you the bad guy to cover for the fact that she was never going to buy this guy for her son, but now she’s using you as a scapegoat.

    This is all on her for not communicating. Communicating doesn’t seeem to be a problem for her when she feels she’s been wronged, too bad she didn’t drop you a simple text saying she wanted to buy it and set up a future date to complete the purchase.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    She must have told sonny boy that was the only gun in the world and he missed it…. bawling She is the one who didn’t respond in a timely manner, not you. She is to blame solely.

    Posts: 583

    “crying kid doesn’t sound mature enough for a gun.”

    Suzuki hit the nail on the head.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    her fault. you sent a few texts and didn’t hear anything back. its unreasonable for her to assume you’d just sit around and wait for her to respond whenever was convenient for her.

    To take a pic of your crying son and send it as a feel bad for him is kinda messed up.

    ya this part is very messed up and didn’t sit well with me. that’s a petty and manipulative move on her part and offers a glimpse of her character. not your fault. you did exactly what I would have done.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    “crying kid doesn’t sound mature enough for a gun.”
    Suzuki hit the nail on the head.

    I’d say mom doesn’t sound mature enough to have a kid. Is the apple at fault for falling next to the tree?

    Posts: 24606

    The other thing I forgot to mention that I had told my buddy (the guy I sold it to) 2 years ago that I would sell it to him when I was ready to do so. So had I sold it to her instead and then told him that I sold it I would have been a real prick for doing so.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Sent pic of kid crying most likely means she egged him on to cry just so she could do that. This age of social media “clout” and chasing photos has really brought out the manipulative nature inside people. Pretty disgusting. I’d block the number and forget about it, you didn’t do anything wrong.

    I’ve been in your position a few times, and in fact been on the other end where I’ve made an offer but item was sold before I made a move. It’s always a simple “sorry, item is sold already, thanks for your interest” and move on regardless of which side of the fence I’m on.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    She texted me that this morning saying that I should have checked in with her, but I told her that I wasnt going to hound someone who was interested in buying something I was selling. Now if I was in her shoes I would have told me earlier in the week that they had a lot of stuff on their plate, but I was still interested. If she had done that I wouldnt have sold it to my buddy.

    I get it. Like I said, you were not in the wrong or a bad guy.

    Posts: 4362

    Should have sold it to me a year ago when I was looking. Could have avoided all of this.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 551

    +1 You make the right decision.
    Agree with the mother-son lacking maturity in this one. If you did sell it to her, I believe you’d have posted a different outcome – not a good one, either.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    The other thing I forgot to mention that I had told my buddy (the guy I sold it to) 2 years ago that I would sell it to him when I was ready to do so. So had I sold it to her instead and then told him that I sold it I would have been a real prick for doing so.

    You did the right thing. Move on and don’t worry about it.

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    A text. You asked her to send a simple text. I agree with everyone else here – no worries on your part.

    If her son’s getting by in life depended on it, I’m sure she would have texted. She forgot, and now is trying to make it your fault.

    If you have mutual contacts/relations you’re concerned about, they likely know what she’s about already…

    Posts: 4800

    Snooze ya loose lady. If she wanted it that bad she should have gotten back to you when she said she would.

    chaps my ass trying to sell things and everybody wants you to hold things for them or they never respond back when they say they will. Marketplace is terrible for this kind of stuff

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Am I missing something? She said she would let you know if she wanted it. Not that she will take it. Then didn’t let you know in the agreed time frame. You did everything you agreed to do. You feel bad because you are a good person. Not because you did something wrong. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    You are a bad bad man cap’n

    Posts: 24606

    Turns out the picture of her boy “crying” when he found out that he wasnt getting the gun was actually him asleep in the combine. She pulled the ole whoa is me thing, but I know people who know her and turns out she is a real b i t c h and I trolled her FB page and they were hunting all weekend.

    Posts: 3319

    Not your problem. SHE didn’t follow through. Another person who thinks everyone and everything revolves around them. She is what you call “Entitled Mom”
    Sleep easy CM.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Turns out the picture of her boy “crying” when he found out that he wasnt getting the gun was actually him asleep in the combine. She pulled the ole whoa is me thing, but I know people who know her and turns out she is a real b i t c h and I trolled her FB page and they were hunting all weekend.

    Call her out. F that kind of lady

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    You are not in the wrong. Matter of her not communicating for whatever reason. I get her reason is valid, and a terrible situation, but how were you to know? Move on. Hopefully she will find another and she will relax. Sounds like she is fairly stressed at this point anyways, try to take that into consideration. You should not be beating yourself up over this.

    Posts: 24606

    Call her out. F that kind of lady

    I dont want to do that. If she texts me again I will just tell her the next time you text me it better be a nude!

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