Aluminum Ice House Frame

  • Mike Dolbec
    Posts: 2

    Looking for an Aluminum Ice house frame to purchase. Can you let me know any companies that build these custom?
    I would prefer an Hydraulic in 16 to 18′ size

    1. maxresdefault.jpg

    Posts: 377

    In my experience aluminum is the worst material for a fish house frame. I would be looking at a galvanized Berkon frame if I was going to build one now.

    Posts: 6631

    In my experience the worst part of an aluminum frame is the steel that gets bolted onto it….(former Yetti owner)

    My aluminum frame was rock solid, but the steel arms turned to $hit and I had to replace them (and have buddies with the same experience). It blows my mind they don’t have those parts galvanized.

    As for a new hydro frame, I agree get one that’s galvanized. GS, Valley, and Berkon all make great frames. The bugs have been worked out of most of them by now.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    Call up Northwind fish houses, he’s based out of southern MN. We looked at having him build one for us, but wasn’t the right fit for us. He has somebody that makes his all aluminum hydro frames.

    Northwind Fishhouse Company
    12796 St Hwy 30 Blooming Prairie, MN 55917
    (507) 676-4886

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Mike, unless everything that aluminum touches is galvanized and painted, you’re asking for trouble. Steel and aluminum react with each other when wet because of galvanic corrosion. You can avoid this by making sure all steel components are stainless(not a real option), or by making your trailer aluminum.
    That said, FLOE International, in McGregor Mn might make something. They specialize in aluminum docks and dock lifts, but who knows…..

    Floe International – Boats, Trailers, Boat Lifts and Docks – Products

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