As mentioned I have a Yetti, one of the selling points was the through axle. I am not sure on other alum houses but I know most steel frames do not have a one piece axle that runs full length across the house.
I was disappointed how the trailer lights and brakes were wired, they used the little crimp splices, a lot of the firing strips were split, one of my brakes is not currently working (i need to investigate), 1 year warranty on the house. The 8’wide houses in MN require a lic plate that has to be illuminated, the house was not wired for a light nor a mount for a plate. Im guessing most have issues with this but I have literally been frozen/frosted into my house when I wake in the mornings. You should keep tools and carb spray to access the lock mechanism that frosts up and will not operate. You may find yourself going out a window to heat the lock with a torch… I would also recommend rubbing the lift cables down with grease as mine are pretty darn rusty after only one year also if you have outdoor winches get covers.
There are a lot of pros to the house too but these were just my dislikes and things I learned. (i spent a lot of time making myself happy) I am just trying to shorten your learning curve as these are not cheap purchases and the better informed you are the better prepared you will be purchasing and using.


