soldAlumacraft Jump Seats / Casting Deck

  • bigstick56
    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    Hello – I recently purchased a kicker motor for my 2019 Alumacraft 205 Competitor Sport, I have the optional jump seats / casting deck, however the new kicker doesn’t allow me to use the port side seat when the kicker is trimmed all the way up. Want to see if anyone is interested in this. I just looked on the Alumacraft website, this option new is $893, I would be looking to get $300 for this. I would also throw in the side supports that came from the factory. Few pics below, let me know if you have any questions.

    1. 205-back-small-2.jpg

    2. 205-back-small.jpg

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    I would have been if it were a Lund.
    I made my own.
    Yours is probably nicer

    1. Casting-Platform-2.jpg

    Posts: 24658

    Dang if I knew this would fit my tournament sport I would be all over that. I made my own, but having this would be sweet. Any chance you could measure overall width? Then I can check mine.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    The casting deck when folded down looks to be about 59″ x 19″.

    Posts: 24658

    OK thanks! I will measure my floor tonight and see if it would work.

    Posts: 24658

    My floor is way wider so I’d have to fab up something to fill the void but this would be sweet.

    Posts: 873

    Bigstick, I have the same setup. Does your kicker only come in contact with the seat folded up or with the seated folded down as well? I know that the 250 SHO motor will hit it if you trim it up too high.
    I struggle with the design only because when flipped up you loose access to the pedestal base and the livewell. I pretty much never use that rear livewell and only use the front one instead.

    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I got the tiller version kicker, so the tiller handle touched the seat of folded up or down, I have already removed this. Much like you this is a 3 year old boat and I still haven’t put a drop of water in the rear livewell, maybe I will start using it now that I have access to it!!

    Posts: 873

    A guy should split that bench into a sectional unit and have the side areas removable if you choose to. A little modification to the hinges and simple swing out style flag support bracket mounted to the back vertical panel would allow everything to work out. Sounds like a possible summer project for me…

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