Alumacraft Glass Windshield Replacement Help Please

  • icefanatic11
    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    Hey everyone,

    Evidently I am the only human being who has had a rock go through a passenger side windshield on my 2006 175 Alumacraft Navigator Sport. I have called local dealers, I have went through Alumacraft myself, since it is older than 10 years no replacements. I went through the subcontractor who made the windshields for that exact model with the part number from Alumacraft, and they can no longer make them. Needless to say, it’s been extremely frustrating trying to find a replacement. If I have to go the plastic or plexi route I will, but would much prefer to get real glass just for resale purposes. Any contact, advice, businesses that you know of or are willing to share would be an incredible help. Obviously I can use it without a windshield but the whole point of buying the walk through windshield is to use it as such, not 2/3 of a windshield which is essentially a wind tunnel lol.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 2075

    Wish I could help – my friend went through this in a 03 Crestliner . Looked for over a year and ended up making his own out of plexiglass . After his headaches I and his brother went and bought a truxedo ( cabelas makes one too ) windshield cover for 100 bucks . I know of one person that got their boat totaled after a tree fell on their entire crestliner windshield.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 156

    I had this same thing happen about 3 years ago. My boat insurance covered it. I worked with Imperial Boat Repair in Hudson, Wi. They ended up buying a brand new windshield and cut it to fit. I also had the insurance cover the cost of new flooring as there was no way the tiny shards of glass were coming out of the carpet.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Try Great Lakes Skipper 262-971-7085 have all your info ready.

    Nelsonville, WI
    Posts: 576

    Thanks for the help fellas, will keep you posted on if I am able to have success or not.

    Todd Vason
    Posts: 2


    How did you make out with finding a windshield. I have a 2006 Alumacraft Navigator 175 and the “PORT” side curved glass and frame were damaged after a tree fell on the windshield. So needless to say, I too am looking for advice on where to find a port-side frame and glass. The center walk through and glass is fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    TJ from Maine

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    I am now in the same boat. Shattered the port side windshield on my 2016 Alumacraft 185 last week towing it. Luckily I have a zero deductible. Adjuster is stopping by Friday to look at it. I’ll update here as I learn more. From online research, it seems it’s going to be lengthy wait if they can even find a replacement. But, we’ll see.

    Posts: 2075

    Another option is you could go to a dealer and measure new boats windshields sitting on the floor room and try to order one and make it work .

    James knight
    Posts: 10

    I have a 2009 Aluma 175 Nav Sport I just removed the walk thru from. It is in perfect shape. I am putting on regular bubbles. If someone is interested in the whole thing I will make them a deal. I live in Clinton, Ia so we may have to meet part way somewhere. Looks like alot of you guys are “up north”. Thanks Jim Knight 563-249-1901

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