soldAlumacraft Dominator with 60hp Yamaha four stroke $5750

  • rvvrrat
    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    1992 Alumacraft Dominator
    2008 60hp Yamaha four stroke EFI with lower end RPM adjust
    1992 Yacht Club trailer and spare tire
    Humminbird 898c HD SI/DI
    3 seats (only two shown)
    Lifetime trailer license, boat license thru 2022


    I have two boats, retired, downsizing to one. Near Wabahsa.

    NOTE: Trolling motor in pictures was sold. Added 2 updated pics…I can’t remove the old pictures

    1. IMG_20200531_164818_MP.jpg

    2. IMG_20200531_164601.jpg

    3. IMG_20200529_133429.jpg

    4. IMG_20200529_133411.jpg

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1832

    What length is the boat?

    Does the trailer have a swing tongue?

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    It is 16 ft. Does not have a swing tongue.

    I forgot to add in the description that it has a custom made snap on cover.

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