Ahhh, first world problems.
Ahh….internet trolls
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Alumacraft Boats » Alumacraft delivery time
it sure is purdy,,,,,,
is that the new paint design? wonder why they keep changing it. I liked the design from the model before my 2016 the best.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Hot Runr Guy wrote:</div>
it sure is purdy,,,,,,HRG
Which Cabelas?
Hoffman Estates IL
My dealer got back to me and said he spoke to Alumacraft and now its an end of May build.
Sorry you’re having this hassle, getting a new rig should be fun and exciting. I feel badly for the spot you’re in, I mean here in the tundra you don’t want to be sitting on the dock while the clock ticks away the season.
The thing I’d be worried about is how firm is this date? Is this in writing, or is it the dealer’s happy path estimate if everything goes perfectly?
The thing that would kill me about this situation is I’d be just waiting for the phone to ring in April saying, oh sorry, it’ll be June now… production delays… And then the games begin all over again.
This is the part of custom orders that I hate. You just never know when the thing is really going to show up and you have to stick to your part of the deal (paying the money), but the dealer and manu never seem to have to honor dates and if they miss a date, well, hey, what are you going to do? The contract only goes one way. Heads they win, tails you lose.
Tough situation to be in, let us know how you do. I know it’s a first world problem, but I guess to me that’s want makes it that much worse, I want my fun to be fun from purchase to use.
So I was internet trolling some more, and found this. Not a bunk trailer though.
Edit: apparently links don’t work. But look at the current inventory at Bay Lake Marine.
So I was internet trolling some more, and found this. Not a bunk trailer though.
Edit: apparently links don’t work. But look at the current inventory at Bay Lake Marine.
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Thanks. I saw that. Todd at BLM wouldn’t match my price.
Talked to Nick at Lacannes. I officially ordered his in stock model that was a different color. It’s the silver/red/silver one. He matched price so I am happy. Thank you all for the suggestions.
Thanks. I saw that. Todd at BLM wouldn’t match my price.
Talked to Nick at Lacannes. I officially ordered his in stock model that was a different color. It’s the silver/red/silver one. He matched price so I am happy. Thank you all for the suggestions.
RED???? Now you’ll have to buy a new, color-matched truck!
Hahaha, HRG
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
Thanks. I saw that. Todd at BLM wouldn’t match my price.
Talked to Nick at Lacannes. I officially ordered his in stock model that was a different color. It’s the silver/red/silver one. He matched price so I am happy. Thank you all for the suggestions.
RED???? Now you’ll have to buy a new, color-matched truck!
Hahaha, HRG
I’ll ask the wife….I bet you can guess the answer!
Talked to Nick at Lacannes. I officially ordered his in stock model that was a different color. It’s the silver/red/silver one. He matched price so I am happy. Thank you all for the suggestions.
Congrats on the outcome. Even though the color might be a compromise, I bet you won’t mind while you’re sitting in it on opener morning.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
Talked to Nick at Lacannes. I officially ordered his in stock model that was a different color. It’s the silver/red/silver one. He matched price so I am happy. Thank you all for the suggestions.Congrats on the outcome. Even though the color might be a compromise, I bet you won’t mind while you’re sitting in it on opener morning.
The color he had was my second choice. Waned the silver as my base color for sure. Need to wait about a week to get the trailer I want delivered. Should have it mid April. Just in time to chase cohos and lake on superior This spring before opener.
Cool. That’s a real nice looking boat! I love the layout. Good fishing
You’re going to be very happy with their level of service as well.
Seems that you allowed yourself to look at other options instead of deciding that you were stuck with what you were stuck with. The resolution is about as good as you could hope for. You’re getting the boat you want, maybe in a slightly different color (strangely enough, I can’t see the color of the outside of my boat when I’m fishing in it though). The dealer is losing a sale, repeat business and any word of mouth advertising you were going to give them.
I went through something similar when I bought my last new boat as far as lead times getting extended etc… Not as bad as your deal, but I was without a boat from mid april through mid june, good thing I had lots of friends/family with boats. My dealer made it right though, I let them know I was ready to walk if not rectified. I got a free custom cover and the vinyl floor upgrade thrown in. I was ready to walk though, I did my research before talking to them, and when I approached them, I had 3 boats at other dealers that were in stock that met my criteria. It became very real to them when I came in and showed them what I was going to replace their boat with and for how much, and that I could in fact get that stock boat.
I’m glad it all worked out for you. Enjoy your new rig, and don’t fret over this experience, but instead tell people about the great service you got from Laccanes, and how they saved your season. I wouldn’t sugar coat what happened with the other dealer either.
I’ll ask the wife….I bet you can guess the answer!
She’ll be more agreeable if she gets a new car in the deal,,,,,,
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
I’ll ask the wife….I bet you can guess the answer!
She’ll be more agreeable if she gets a new car in the deal,,,,,,
Funny how that works isn’t it!!!
The benefits on getting it sooner outweighed a minor color change anyways. Nick was great and deal was done in about 2 minutes.
How did canceling the old order work out? Any trouble with the old dealer getting your money back or did he understand?
How did canceling the old order work out? Any trouble with the old dealer getting your money back or did he understand?
Fine. He understood. He also wasn’t making much money off me either.
Glad to hear, enjoy the new rig when she comes and share some pics
Nick at Lacanne’s is great to work with I’ve bought 3 boats from him and have always got a great price and great service after the sale!!
How did canceling the old order work out? Any trouble with the old dealer getting your money back or did he understand?
I’m assuming there is rules on canceling a order and getting your down payment back isn’t there? Can anyone share those if any?
JAnderson, did you order an Eagle trailer from Nick?
Yeah. He didn’t have that in stock so I’m waiting for that. Should be about one more week.
guess not…lol
I did respond but the site didn’t save it or something so I gave up. No real process or rules for refund. If your worried about it then get it in writing. The deposit is not worth someone bad mouthing them so they shouldn’t have a huge problem returning it. I had to stop in and have them run my CC and the dealer did in fact place all blame on Alumacraft which was interesting!
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jeff-patrick wrote:</div>
guess not…lolI did respond but the site didn’t save it or something so I gave up. No real process or rules for refund. If your worried about it then get it in writing. The deposit is not worth someone bad mouthing them so they shouldn’t have a huge problem returning it. I had to stop in and have them run my CC and the dealer did in fact place all blame on Alumacraft which was interesting!
I’m not sure I buy that. As someone mentioned before the classic bait and switch. Heck had you not found the other boat they would still have your business. I think they were probably hopeful the boat would be ready in 8 weeks but deep down knew that was unlikely but were counting on you just going for the ride.
Congrats on the new boat. Be sure to post some pictures when you get it. I love the layout of the new competitors.
Finally was able to go pick it up yesterday. Got it half rigged up and will finish that today.
Thanks for all the tips that were provided on here I won’t be without a boat for any openers!
Great looking rig!
I took one of those rear view mirror pics with my rig as well. Sure you are just as stoked about it as I was, it’s a great feeling! Hope you and the family enjoy
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