Alumacraft delivery time

  • Jonesy
    Posts: 1148

    Walk and call a Crestliner dealer devil . You’ll be jiggin’ on the openor’ no problem! RR

    Don’t they have a really low deadrise compared to alumacraft?

    I’m amazed by all the people saying cancel the order. Don’t think it would have crossed my mind unless you just wanted to stick it to the dealer. All that is going to do is reset the clock when you order the exact same thing somewhere else.

    To me it sounds like the dealer lied. In sales/service industries it’s hard sometimes for people to tell the hard truth. Or perhaps the dealer was unaware that the custom paint would add time onto the delivery.

    What I would do is I would get on the dealer hard about giving me a loaner. I guess you could threaten to cancel the deal but for me I would never follow through with it so hopefully they don’t call the bluff.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I have never yet met a dealer who sells boats below cost, no matter what they may tell you. The price you have from your dealer is good at any other dealer who wants to sell a boat. Walk in with your paperwork and tell them they need to match the price. It’s a simple yes or no conversation.

    On another issue in my opinion a 12 week lead time when you ordered in Feb. is excessive.Now, if this conversation was a week from now after the boat show maybe they would be that far out. Personally speaking if I ordered a boat mid Feb. it would need to be finished in Gold Leaf and wrapped in $100 bills for me to wait until June.

    A question. I’m not a Alumacraft guy so forgive the dumb question. What makes a Black & Grey Alumacraft so special? Isn’t that like buying a Red & Grey Lund? I guess I don’t understand the “rare” part of the purchase.

    I took my quote from one dealer to another and offered for them to match it and they said they couldn’t even come close. Said they don’t even make a profit on their boats if they sell them that low. Didn’t press them beyond that explanation so cant tell you how its possible that one dealership is that much lower than the other but that was my experience.

    To the OP yeah if you are dead set on getting the boat you want down to the color you might be SOL on fishing in it by opener. I would say that if you could be flexible a bit, especially on the color, you could probably find a better dealer with one in stock you might be able to have faster. After all you aren’t asking for an extremely rare boat with all sorts of strange specialty features. A 175 Competitor with a stock 115 Yamaha is probably one of the more popular Alumacraft boats out there. Open up the catalogue and take a look at some of the other colors out there. I always thought the Black and Red looked good along with the Silver and White: waytogo I went with the Black Hull and White Accent which is of course the best choice.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    As I think back on my purchasing experience the 2nd time around I was told June/July initially and I didn’t get my boat until the end of August. I was upset just like you are but in my situation I didn’t have a lot of options. I was just happy to be alive lol!

    Hope you get squared away and I agree that an alternative to walking away might be to ask for a loaner boat while yours is being built. That seems very reasonable to me and I would hope to your dealer too.

    Posts: 7348

    Guess Im unable to sympathize with the WANT part so much. If you WANT it that bad just leave it alone and be happy when you get your boat, whenever that is….

    In the meantime, waders, open seat threads, and Budweiser’s. Cheers man toast

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    The boat I am looking for is a competitor 175 CS with 115 yam and eagle bunk trailer….but I need grey hull and black accent which is the problem…can’t find one available….not to mention at my price.

    Are these the actual colors, Sterling Silver hull & Mica Black accent?

    I don’t see a Grey listed.


    1. 175cs.jpg

    Posts: 277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
    The boat I am looking for is a competitor 175 CS with 115 yam and eagle bunk trailer….but I need grey hull and black accent which is the problem…can’t find one available….not to mention at my price.

    Are these the actual colors, Sterling Silver hull & Mica Black accent?

    I don’t see a Grey listed.


    Yes. Those are the colors. I was just trying to be quick!

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    maybe they could swap the trailer?

    Waterfowl Hunting – Ducks & Geese


    Posts: 277

    maybe they could swap the trailer?

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    You link doesn’t work but I saw it was at bay lake marine. That’s actually my hometown and I worked for Todd for a few summers. I also believe he wouldn’t match my out the door price. I’ll ask.

    Posts: 1166

    From everything I’ve heard and seen, it’s been a banner few months for boat sales. Boat shows have been packed and the boat dealers I have been into on Saturdays are much busier than the same times in previous years. I think the bust of the winter we had got people going with their boat shopping much earlier than in the past and combine that with a stronger economy, people are buying.

    Doesn’t excuse your situation, but just saying that it’s a crazy year and boat makers are flush with orders. The guys ordering this weekend at the Sports Show won’t see their boats easily until June or July, if not later depending on the make.

    North Metro
    Posts: 994

    This doesn’t make your situation any easier but I was worried about the same situation when o ordered my Lund in 2013. I ordered my boat about 2 weeks before the Minneapolis boat show in 2013 because I could get all the same pricing incentives and got my order in in front of the masses orders. I picked up my boat on about march 28th that spring, rigged and mostly ready to go.

    My neighbor ordered an alumacraft between the boat and sports show 2 years ago and barely got his boat by the 4th of July. My boat had several options that are not very common but my neighbors boat is a very commonly equipped 165 Trophy with a 90 hp Yamaha.

    I think a lot of it has to do with production capacity and wher you are in the build line. If I ever buy another boat it will be in stock at a dealer or I will order before any boat shows again. If I were you and it is the boat you are set on at the price you are set on, I would wait it out and see if you can get some perks out of this as I think of it as an alumacraft issue not a dealer issue as they put the order in and the manufacturer sets the timeline and they should have told the dealer the wait time was growing. Now if they did tell the dealer that the wait was longer that is another story but you might never get the real story on that.

    Pool 7
    Posts: 20

    I put money down on an Alumacraft December 1st when the rebates started. I’m still waiting too.

    Posts: 2218

    It’s a boat and materialistic. This sounds like you need to sit down and kick and fuss. Maybe you’ll get your way.

    Things in life always come up, and yes they do inconvenience and suck. It’s called life. If you think your getting screwed on the whole experience, walk away.

    There’ll be bigger struggles in life for you at some point than this boat. I hope you can handle all that when it confronts you.

    Good luck with your decision.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    I read his post as being more disappointed than whining about it. He was told something and like all of us expected it to be true.

    But yes, there are bigger things in life that will bite us from time to time. grin

    Posts: 277

    I read his post as being more disappointed than whining about it. He was told something and like all of us expected it to be true.

    But yes, there are bigger things in life that will bite us from time to time. grin

    More or less needed to express my disappointment to people who would listen. My wife didn’t care! She laughed!

    Posts: 410

    Alumacraft has been running hiring adds for a while now. Seems they are hiring for all positions. This might have something to do with it.

    Posts: 2218

    Kinda in the same “boat” as your wife waytogo !

    As I said good luck.

    Posts: 377

    Buy a different boat now and order your new one in November. Count this as lesson learned. I’m sure your fishing buddies will understand that custom colors are way more important than actually having a boat to use.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4285

    Ordered 2/22-8 weeks gets you to 4/22. Best case is by the time it shipped and rigged you were looking at May 10th to 15th for delivery. Now it is going to be around July 1st, maybe. Totally unacceptable by my standards and can just about bet it is 90% dealers untruthfulness. Another thought is maybe he wants you to back out of the sale figuring he can keep the order in and sell your boat to someone else at a bigger profit. Maybe he is having 2nd thoughts on the great price he quoted.
    I would find a different boat and settle. That dealer wouldn’t get a nickel from me unless he gives you a decent boat to use for 6 weeks. JMO

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Found a silver w/black on an Eagle trailer, 115 ProXS at my local Cabela’s. That hull color combo isn’t as rare as you think.


    Posts: 749

    The boat I am looking for is a competitor 175 CS with 115 yam and eagle bunk trailer….but I need grey hull and black accent which is the problem…can’t find one available….not to mention at my price.

    You will need patience if you are going to be picky. It’s a fact of life.

    If manufacturing is set up for one long run, it will cost more to switch over for one custom widget. Then cost more to switch back to the normal run.

    If you don’t pay a premium to cover the costs of the switch over and production down time, then you wait. I doubt Alumacraft will accept a premium payment to cover a priority order anyway.

    So your options are wait or settle.

    Posts: 760

    Again, check with LaCannes if you haven’t already. Talk to Nick.

    Posts: 277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
    The boat I am looking for is a competitor 175 CS with 115 yam and eagle bunk trailer….but I need grey hull and black accent which is the problem…can’t find one available….not to mention at my price.

    You will need patience if you are going to be picky. It’s a fact of life.

    If manufacturing is set up for one long run, it will cost more to switch over for one custom widget. Then cost more to switch back to the normal run.

    If you don’t pay a premium to cover the costs of the switch over and production down time, then you wait. I doubt Alumacraft will accept a premium payment to cover a priority order anyway.

    So your options are wait or settle.

    I’m not being picky. This is the boat I am getting. I wanted to express frustration and alert people to the Alumacraft/dealer practices. Also was looking at brainstorming any ideas and have gotten some wonder ideas. Again, given a timeline of 6-8 weeks but it will be more like 12-16 likely when all said and done. I’m sure that the dealers at the boat show are telling people 6-8 weeks still but buys should be aware of the actual timeline.

    Also…I’d argue that spending over 20k on a purchase is paying a premium but that is a different argument.

    Posts: 277

    Again, check with LaCannes if you haven’t already. Talk to Nick.

    I’ve checked with them…not anything they can do about production. If they prioritized production for LaCannes over others that would be some shady business practices and I have a feeling other dealers would be very upset to hear this news….but that sounds like a few people are suggesting!?

    Again, thank you all for the suggestions. It has helped me work through my frustration. I am working on getting my dealer to get me something for my May/June trips. I will let you know how it all goes with Acraft and the dealer once it is all said and done.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Again, check with LaCannes if you haven’t already. Talk to Nick.

    I understand price is at stake here, but it doesn’t hurt to talk to Nick. Maybe he can’t do anything, but there is a chance that he can.

    Good guys!

    Posts: 277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nord wrote:</div>
    Again, check with LaCannes if you haven’t already. Talk to Nick.

    I understand price is at stake here, but it doesn’t hurt to talk to Nick. Maybe he can’t do anything, but there is a chance that he can.

    Good guys!

    I put in an inquiry…I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Posts: 727

    things might be different over at ALuma.. but when I was shopping “custom” order boats.. I made my mind up then switched the layout and colors a few months after I had signed the dotted line.. They said that the “build slot” was reserved for dealer X that was ordering it for me and that If I wanted to change that was no problem, so I did.

    Point being that dealer X might have a reserved build slot sooner than dealer Y, and you could get the same boat from a more honest dealer sooner.

    If they would have told you you wouldn’t get your boat until June , you would have never signed up for that. The classic bait and switch. So I would try to do something at least. It wouldn’t hurt to call “all” of the dealers in the Tri-state area to check on this.

    The ultimate revenge on your dishonest local dealer will be making them do service and warranty work on a boat with the competitions sticker on the back of it… devil

    But if all else fails.. I wouldn’t “settle” for something less than the boat of your dreams. If that is “exactly” what you want.. try to be proactive with another source or wait for it. But dont change what you want because of the date.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    If you do wind up sticking it out with your current order, I highly recommend picking up your Alumatrac mounts now. I’ve been waiting on a linkage for the tiller handle on my new boat; mounting accessories to the mounts has been lego-like enough to keep my impatience from getting ahead of me.

    Posts: 277

    things might be different over at ALuma.. but when I was shopping “custom” order boats.. I made my mind up then switched the layout and colors a few months after I had signed the dotted line.. They said that the “build slot” was reserved for dealer X that was ordering it for me and that If I wanted to change that was no problem, so I did.

    Point being that dealer X might have a reserved build slot sooner than dealer Y, and you could get the same boat from a more honest dealer sooner.

    If they would have told you you wouldn’t get your boat until June , you would have never signed up for that. The classic bait and switch. So I would try to do something at least. It wouldn’t hurt to call “all” of the dealers in the Tri-state area to check on this.

    The ultimate revenge on your dishonest local dealer will be making them do service and warranty work on a boat with the competitions sticker on the back of it… devil

    But if all else fails.. I wouldn’t “settle” for something less than the boat of your dreams. If that is “exactly” what you want.. try to be proactive with another source or wait for it. But dont change what you want because of the date.

    Now that is good info that I wasn’t aware of. I didn’t know the dealer had slots reserved if that is the case.

    Posts: 1800

    Ahhh, first world problems.

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